Recent content by Coturnix Quail

  1. Coturnix Quail

    Swollen Vent Area

    She’s been like this for months if she was egg bound wouldn’t she have died by now? I haven’t seen any discharge, i think the vent isn’t pulsating, I haven’t seen her squat like she needs to poop, she just stands with her legs farther apart than the other hens. She hasn’t laid in egg in a while...
  2. Coturnix Quail

    Swollen Vent Area

    My 4 year old hen has been kind of swollen around her vent area. It feels tight. What’s strange to me is that i can feel her stomach bone very easily, and although it feels like she’s gaining weight, the bone is still sticking out. I see her eat all the time. Anyone have any clue what’s been...
  3. Coturnix Quail

    Doughy Crop

    I will check tomorrow morning if there is any improvement.
  4. Coturnix Quail

    Doughy Crop

    One of my hens is very thin, and when i felt her crop yesterday it was a bit mushy. I felt it again today and the mushy buldge got larger. She acts normally, and i think this isn’t sour crop, so what is it and how do i treat it?
  5. Coturnix Quail

    Thin Hen

    Maybe she did, i really have no clue. I wish i could’ve saved her, but if this hen is going through the same thing i don’t want to lose her too. She seems fine otherwise so i really don’t know.
  6. Coturnix Quail

    Thin Hen

    I’ve noticed a little while back my almost 4 year old hen’s belly bone was apparent. I didn’t think much of it because she was molting, but today i’ve felt it again and it’s MUCH more prominent. It’s almost like it’s popping out?? She’s not lethargic or anything, acts completely fine, when i go...
  7. Coturnix Quail

    Possible Infection In Toe (Bumblefoot aftermath)

    I'll try to get a photo today. I didn't see any pus yesterday, hopefully there won't be any today. I can wrap pads fine, I think I use the method you described. But her wound is about halfway up her toe which is quite high up and is difficult to wrap. I will try extending the pad wrap up to the...
  8. Coturnix Quail

    Possible Infection In Toe (Bumblefoot aftermath)

    I have this hen who had bumblefoot, she was my first ever for treating bumblefoot, but i think i got it all out. Its been a few weeks now, and her wound still hasn’t healed, it was raw because i picked off the scab because it was black. I know i know bad idea, because about a week later (today)...
  9. Coturnix Quail

    After Bumblefoot Treatment

    Thanks, they’ll be very happy to be back with their friends, even though they get to play with them everyday. I am also vetericyn and neosporin for aftercare, and so far it seems to work well. I just hope it doesn’t take too long to heal because wrapping hens who don’t like to be held is a pain.
  10. Coturnix Quail

    After Bumblefoot Treatment

    So, i’ve treated 2/4 of my hens for their bumblefoot. The two that have been treated are still separated from the other hens. It’s been a few weeks for each of them, and they do have scabs over the area of bumblefoot and the swelling is gone. I was just wondering how much longer i have to keep...
  11. Coturnix Quail

    Safeguard Liquid Goat Wormer Treatment Doses?

    Could it be the worms, because otherwise she seems healthy. Laying, bright comb, looks like she’s eating, normal crop, normal poos.
  12. Coturnix Quail

    Safeguard Liquid Goat Wormer Treatment Doses?

    I’m starting to feel a difference with one of my normally heaviest hens, she feels lighter than she used to before. Haven’t weighed yet, but i am going to start before i give them their treatment for proper dosage.
  13. Coturnix Quail

    Safeguard Liquid Goat Wormer Treatment Doses?

    I couldn’t find it, i went digging through a lot. It was probably a small website. Have you had success with fenbendazole? Also, it seems like my hens that have had their bumblefoot treatment are losing weight. Is this because of the worms or are they just legitimately not eating enough?
  14. Coturnix Quail

    Safeguard Liquid Goat Wormer Treatment Doses?

    Do the syringes need to be washed between uses or should each chicken have their own syringe? Also, i read somewhere that safeguard is very harsh as a first time wormer, is this true?
  15. Coturnix Quail

    Safeguard Liquid Goat Wormer Treatment Doses?

    Yes, I have. I'm just a wimp, I don't want to do anything wrong, but I will do what I must to help them. That is the full treatment, correct? Do you do preventative worms or only when you're certain they have them?
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