Recent content by coolchange

  1. coolchange

    16 hens and NO eggs

    I have 16 Rhode Island Red hens (oldest is about 2 1/2 years old) and have not seen an egg in almost 3 weeks. I just put a light in the coop on a timer a couple days ago to see if that would help but nothing yet. I also did a complete coop cleaning (I clean it on a regular basis). Any Ideas...
  2. coolchange

    One Chicken keeps getting picked on by the rest

    I have 11 Rhode Island Reds and 2 buffs and they are all just under a year old and the one buff is getting pecked constantly by the others to the point where she has few feathers on her back side. Is there any way to get them to quit doing this or something I can put on her back? Thanks in...
  3. coolchange

    Will Silkies Get Along with Rhode Island Reds

    I have 11 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Buff Orpingtons. They are all less than a year old and all are females. I am thinking about getting 3 female silkies. Will I have any problems with them getting along with each other? Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.
  4. coolchange

    My Buff can't seem to walk without falling over

    I have a Buff Orpinton that is 6 months old and noticed that this morning she is just laying around. I got her out of the pen and put food in front of her and she will eat but when she tries to walk she falls to one side. Could she have hurt her legs or possibly something else? Her belly and all...
  5. coolchange

    My new coop

    Thanks WoodlandWoman for the idea. I live in north Florida but we do get some pretty cold nights. Last year we were in the upper 20's which for us is extremley cold. Thanks for the suggestion!
  6. coolchange

    My new coop

    OK, this is another one of my crazy questions! I just completed a new coop and in the process of adding more perches. My question is can a perch consist of a 2x4 mounted sideways or does it need to be a round piece of wood like a dowel rod? Sorry for my ignorance. Thanks in advance for any...
  7. coolchange

    My new coop

    I just built a new coop that is 8x8. I have 13 pullets. 5 of them are about 8-9 months and the other 8 are a little over 4 months old. Since they have "moved in" to the new coop they seem to pile on top of each other at night on top of the roosting boxes or inside of them. It seems that 10 will...
  8. coolchange

    What is the best ground cover for a 10x20 chicken run??

    I have a 10x20 chicken run with 13 pullets and the smell seems to have gotten really bad lately. I am in north Florida and we have temps in the upper 90's if that make a difference. The floor consists of fresh dirt covered with straw. I have changed the straw and if seems within days if has the...
  9. coolchange

    Will Hydrated Lime be OK to use to help control smell??

    wolfpacker I have 13 pellets in the run.
  10. coolchange

    Will Hydrated Lime be OK to use to help control smell??

    I have a 10x20 chicken run and it seem to be smeeling. I have cleaned it but within a couple days it smells again mostly in the afternoon. I was told to use Hydrated lime just to throw it all over the ground and it will help with the smell. I boiught a bag today and was reading the warning label...
  11. coolchange

    Is using a dog kennel for a chicken run safe enough??

    I have 13 pullets and have a chicken run that is 10x20 for them to run in and a coop that they all sleep in. My chicken run needs to be replaced and I am thinking of a 10x20 dog kennel made of chain link fence. I am planning on putting a sealed roof on. I also plan on using the 1" chicken wire...
  12. coolchange

    What size coop do I need for 15 chickens???

    I started out with 4 pullets and now have 4 pullets and 11 chicks. The coop I have is just right for the 4 but I need to build a larger coop. What size do I need to accomadate 15 chickens? They already have an outside run that is about 10 x 20. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!!
  13. coolchange

    Will scratch cause hens to lay less eggs?

    I have 5 hens that are about 8-10 months old and I give them about a half cup of scratch a day as a treat. I was told by a friend that giving them scratch even as a treat will cause them to lay less eggs. Is this true? Thanks in advance for any help or suggestion.
  14. coolchange

    How can I tell if I have a rooster or a hen

    I was given 2 chickens that are about 2 months old. Is there any way to tell for sure if I have roosters or hens? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  15. coolchange

    What age can my chicks stay outside overnite

    I have 4 chicks that are 5 weeks old and 2 that are 4 weeks old. I live in north Florida where the temperatures at night are around 65 degrees. I put them in an outside pen in the morning and have been bringing them in every night. I am wondering if they would be old enough to stay out at night...
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