Recent content by Connies Chicks

  1. Connies Chicks

    Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

    My lavender orpingtons are due to hatch today. Hope they are not like the last bunch. 2 out of 22 and most did not even start to form. I had one hatch 3 days late from the 22 hope these at least hatch. Then my 13 rir and br are due tomorrow.
  2. Connies Chicks

    Set date 7/2/12 ...need hatching buddies

    I ended up with 2 out of the 22 hatching and out of the 20 that did not hatch only 3 of them formed at all, one quit not long after starting and the other two just quit before hatching. :(
  3. Connies Chicks

    Eggs set 7/4/12 anybody want to hatch with me?

    I wish mine that I set on the 2nd would hatch. They are running late. I had one of my barred rock/dominique mix hatch 3 days late. I guess my still air incubator not keeping the temp put them behind. How long should I wait before I take them out. Don't want any exploding eggs.
  4. Connies Chicks

    Set date 7/2/12 ...need hatching buddies

    I really hate waiting on these eggs to hatch when they are late. I did the float test and two were bad. Broke them and there was nothing in there. So hopefully that means the others will hatch soon. Like I said my Barred Rock/Dom mix hatched 3 days late due to the temp in the still air...
  5. Connies Chicks

    Set date 7/2/12 ...need hatching buddies

    I have one black sex link jersey giant that hatched 7/23 still have 16 that are late. I have one of my barred rock/dominique mix that hatched 7/24. I have 18 more that are due in the next few days. I guess they will all be late too. Glad I got a fan for my still air incubator.
  6. Connies Chicks

    Set date 7/2/12 ...need hatching buddies

    Now I have two new babies. The ones born last week look so huge compared to the new ones. Hope the other 20 are just running late like my barred rock/ Dom mix did. I was shocked that she was three days late.
  7. Connies Chicks

    Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

    Yeah he is but at first he said he was not giving up his plywood for my chickens. Lol. Now he likes them too just don't want to admit it. If he didn't he would not have traded it for white leghorn chicks also.
  8. Connies Chicks

    Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

    I still have only 1 hatched and 1 hatching out of 22 eggs. I think mine are going to be late. The one that is hatching was due on the 21st. The rest were due on the 23rd only 1 hatched from it so far. Hope that is not all that hatches. Dear Husband just traded some of his plywood for some...
  9. Connies Chicks

    Set date 7/2/12 ...need hatching buddies

    I have one of my barred rock/ dom mix hatching today...3 days late I have one of my black sex link jersey giants that hatched yesterday with the other 20 I hope just being late ...they were due yesterday. But mine is not due to any power outages. My temperatures keep going up and down. I...
  10. Connies Chicks

    Set date 7/2/12 ...need hatching buddies

    Still no baby out of the one due yesterday. Hope it is just late due to the still air incubator not keeping the temp right. Glad I added a fan to it.
  11. Connies Chicks

    Set date 7/2/12 ...need hatching buddies

    I still have one barred rock/dom mix that is due today. And my 21 black sex link Jersey giants due tomorrow. Then Thursday. And Friday I have 18 more due hopefully my lavender orpingtons hatch.
  12. Connies Chicks

    Anyone setting eggs starting July 15 -July 22?

    They are probably fried. I checked the temp yesterday and some how it got up to 109. I had my nephew over and he is very hyper you have too keep your eye on him 24/7. I really hope they are not fried.
  13. Connies Chicks

    Set date 7/2/12 ...need hatching buddies

    Am I counting wrong ??? I set my on the 2nd and today being the 18th day I put them on lockdown since it is the 20th.
  14. Connies Chicks

    Set date 7/2/12 ...need hatching buddies

    Yeah they are shipped eggs. They seem to have done great but I had a still air incubator that did not want to keep temp right. I added a fan maybe the next batch will do better. If I don't look at the temp and it is 109. I know the eggs in there now are fried.
  15. Connies Chicks

    Set date 7/2/12 ...need hatching buddies

    One egg ended up with a crack and was oozing stuff out. It was green inside. Then I checked the ones due to be on lockdown on 24th. And out of 35 only 13 were possibly good. Then I had one of lavender orpington eggs was not good. Glad I got 6 more of them.
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