Recent content by Cocopebbles

  1. Cocopebbles

    First egg!

    My EE laid her first egg! I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED!!! 😆 Is there a way you can preserve the egg as an ornament? Ovbiously remove the yoke sort of deal. I think the idea would be so cool or maybe that's just me 🤓
  2. Cocopebbles

    Rooster rehoming - hudson, FL

    Still young, maybe 2 months old with 5 toes. He can be quite mischievous
  3. Cocopebbles

    What breed and sex?

    Awesome! thank you so much everyone 💗
  4. Cocopebbles

    What breed and sex?

    Honestly I have no idea, I would say month at least. 😅
  5. Cocopebbles

    What breed and sex?

    Pretty sure its a boy but correct me if I'm wrong. It's a bantam but that coat is throwing me on type.
  6. Cocopebbles

    Lets talk about poop! Again.

    I think we should get a sticky thread about poop. Lol I came across some weird poop. I just treated them for 7 days with corid. I did give them probiotic and electrolytes for two days and woke up to this surprise. One was a ploop on the floor and the other was sticking to the netting. Not sure...
  7. Cocopebbles

    Baby bantam constantly shaking

    It's been about 2-3 weeks, surely the stress wouldn't last that long? It's been raining or hot and humid lately. (90°F and up). I'll try thr scrambled egg and see how that goes
  8. Cocopebbles

    Baby bantam constantly shaking

    She doesn't seem thin at all, she's gained alittle since we got her. Now how my friend kept them was all together in a broader with 10 other ones roughly her age and wasnt handle as much as we do now. They were all hatched in an incubator. Is there a certain kind of vitamin you could suggest?
  9. Cocopebbles

    Baby bantam constantly shaking

    I got this baby bantam (maybe 8 weeks old?) from a friend of mine. She(I think it's a she at least), is constantly shaking or trembling, with very weird comb. She acting very different compared to my other ones that I raised from 2 weeks old. She's always hanging around Majesty (easter egger)...
  10. Cocopebbles

    Pale feet, sideways laying

    Hi everyone, My baby girl is different recently and not sure if this would even be the right area for this. She's sitting down more, slightly watery stools, I found some red goop in one but it didn't seem like blood. I'm not sure what type she is but she's about 2 months old. Been sneezing for...
  11. Cocopebbles

    Sneezing hens

    I'll try that and see how that goes, I'm not sure what to do with the rest of the cedar now. Thanks for your help!
  12. Cocopebbles

    Sneezing hens

    That's interesting, I didn't know that about cedar. Unfortunately I don't have roosting bars. I'm in the process of building a coop out of pvc and still figuring everything out. Do the bars have to be infront of the nesting area or it doesn't matter as long as it's there for them? No treats at...
  13. Cocopebbles

    Sneezing hens

    Two of my chickens are sneezing. One is roughly 14 weeks old and the other is 10 weeks. It's not constant, I hear it once or twice over several hours of spending time with them but it's not every time. They had it for roughly a week now. They eat/drink normal, look normal, they don't have a...
  14. Cocopebbles

    You got a chicken?! So do I!

    Hi everybody! Lurker and now new member. :) I'm not a traditional backyard chicken person, as I have no back yard but a screened patio to raise my wee chicklets. I'm not sure what type they are except for one which my friend gave me so I'll give my introduction for them. We got Xena and Coco...
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