Recent content by Cocohens

  1. Cocohens

    Sex of my chicks

    Ah amazing! I really hope so. I was convinced it was a roo because of the slight curve in the comb! Thank you for your help!
  2. Cocohens

    Sex of my chicks

    Oh I really hope so!! He/she is either an Easter Egger or a black Arucana! Hatched from a lovely blue egg! Can I ask what makes you think it could be a pullet?
  3. Cocohens

    Sex of my chicks

    Hiii, I’d love to join this sexing thread for an opinion on some of my 8 week old chicks.. I’m thinking they are all Roos but this is based on their combs
  4. Cocohens

    Twisted neck on week old Chick

    Thank you so much!!!
  5. Cocohens

    Twisted neck on week old Chick

    This is so helpful! Thank you so much!
  6. Cocohens

    Twisted neck on week old Chick

    Thank you!! It’s such a sweet little thing and I am trying to help it best I know how.. any info would be great!
  7. Cocohens

    Twisted neck on week old Chick

    Hi there, I have just hatched 13 chick eggs from a mixed batch. One of them was fine for a couple of days but has developed a horrible twist in its neck. I have been feeding it egg yolk and chick crumb. Can someone advise me on the best form of treatment please.
  8. Cocohens

    What Breed of Rooster is this guy?

    Thank you all so much! I purchased the eggs from a Facebook group and they came in the post a few days later. I incubated them and got 4 Roos & 2 hens! Excited to hatch a few more this year with my own (hopefully) fertile eggs! Just so hard to know what he is 😂 the lady I bought his egg from...
  9. Cocohens

    What Breed of Rooster is this guy?

    Hi there, I hatched a few random eggs I bought last year. I’m interested to know what breed my rooster is? I didn’t expect to keep any roosters and gave the others away. He was a very slow developer but looking lovely and ever so masculine now! Thanks in advance!
  10. Cocohens

    Sexing 4 chicks

    A few photos from today and the two suspected pullets are almost 9 weeks! Hope I’m correct on the pullet side of thing. Would love another opinion, again ! 🤣
  11. Cocohens

    Sexing 4 chicks

    Thank you so much! It’s the other I think is a cockerel as it’s a good bit bigger than the (hopefullly) pullets
  12. Cocohens

    Sexing 4 chicks

    Thank you, are these any better?
  13. Cocohens

    Sexing 4 chicks

    Hi there, So I’m pretty sure I have two Roos & two hens. Would really appreciate any help and opinions on sex. They are 5 weeks old. The grey one is an Arucana & there is 2 copper Marrans & an olive egger.
  14. Cocohens

    Sexing week old chicks ?

    Hi all, Can you help me sex these little chicks? Pics 1, 2 & 3? Appreciate it Xx
  15. Cocohens

    Is this a spoilt egg?

    Hello, This is an olive egger egg in my incubation? It’s the only clear one right now? Is it a dead one I can’t tell? It’s day 6 of incubation? Thanks
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