Recent content by CochinFancy

  1. C

    How in the heck do you figure out the dosage for wormer?

    I gave about .5 of a ML and split it between all of my birds. I believe I need to do it again a few days later as some of the birds did not allow the others to eat very much
  2. C

    Genetics question on breeding Cochins

    Hello all I am set up to breed Cochins. I have two roosters, a mottled and a lemon splash. My mottled carries black, some blue somewhere and mottled. My lemon splash carries all sorts of weird colors. He assumably carries buff and blue, but when I bred him to a lemon blue bird from his same...
  3. C

    How in the heck do you figure out the dosage for wormer?

    Thanks everybody. I ended up just using the liquid goat wormer and mixing it in my feed
  4. C

    How in the heck do you figure out the dosage for wormer?

    I wanted to use the pellets because there is no way I can catch and liquid worm all 20 of them. There’s no way to use these at all?
  5. C

    How in the heck do you figure out the dosage for wormer?

    I bought safeguard pellets. Poultry DVM says chickens should have 50mg for 5 days. Well that works out to be .002 of an ounce for each chicken. I have 20 chickens and did the math. That doesn’t make any sense, how can you have 4% of an ounce for all 20 chickens? How in the heck does anyone...
  6. C

    What diseases look like Marek’s but aren’t?

    She ended up dying. I thought it was a vitamin deficiency and treated her for it. She perked up some and then died. It still might have been, I choose to treat it orally instead of inject because I was afraid to. No idea the cause, still don’t think it was mereks.
  7. C

    What diseases look like Marek’s but aren’t?

    Hello all, Which diseases look like Marek’s but aren’t? I have a chicken that can’t walk and is uncoordinated but all that comes up when I search that is Marek’s. None of the other symptoms match. They also don’t match to New Castles. Maybe something that is genetic or not passed by a virus?
  8. C

    Hen tipping over

    So, I did not end up putting her down. I am thinking this could be a vitamin issue also. I ended up giving her a product called “power punch” which is given to goats after giving birth. I deluded it enough for her weight. I tried giving it in her mouth but she wouldn’t swallow it, so I put it...
  9. C

    Hen tipping over

    After posting the last update, I took her outside. She is now unable to stand and just “spins’ flapping her wings. I did not let her do this very long. She’s used the bathroom once and it was very small but solid, no visible worms, and her crop is empty. I palpated her abdominal for a stuck egg...
  10. C

    Hen tipping over

    She’s currently in a cat carrier in my garage. That is her foot on the paper plate. She is sort of trembling she wasn’t doing that about a half hour ago when I gave her the vitamins. I feed “country spirit” cracked corn and layer feed. I am located in Michigan, USA. I have inspected for...
  11. C

    Hen tipping over

    Update for today. She is still eating, still drinking. Leg situation is not any better and I believe she’s sitting more. I fed her some egg yolk and I am planning to try worming her and and giving vitamins. Eyes are the same color wise, but maybe a little droopy today. Color is still good...
  12. C

    I Think Jess is Dying... :(

    I am so sorry about your wonderful friend. I hope she feels better soon.
  13. C

    Hen tipping over

    I have a hen that keeps tipping over. Only to one side. She can stand and walk some but if she tips over its hard for her to get upright again. It’s sort of like she can’t get her foot up under her. I right away thought the worst and started checking for symptoms of merek’s. She does not have...
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