Recent content by Clucksworth12

  1. Clucksworth12

    Adding to my flock? What should I choose??

    For a friendly bird, I definetly suggest the orpington. I don't have any personal experience with ayam ceymanis, but I have heard they can be aggressive at times. Cochins and silkies also would be great, friendly birds. Ofcourse, size might be a problem with the wyandotte and silkie if they did...
  2. Clucksworth12

    Still Air Question

    Hello everyone! I was wondering about my new still air incubator. It said to turn the eggs every four hours 45° to the right. I put four eggs in it late this evening, but I won't be home until late tommorow evening. My question is this- will the eggs be alright not being turned for that long?
  3. Clucksworth12

    Post pics of your turkeys.

    Here is my bourbon red chick. Her name is Jenny.
  4. Chinese Geese

    Chinese Geese

    Chinese Geese The Chinese breed is a descendant of the wild swan goose, like it's cousin, the African. It is a very good duel purpose breed, as well as an excellent guard animal. Today, Chinese geese are becoming more common on some farms than dogs! Why? Due to their loud and gregarious nature...
  5. Clucksworth12

    La Fleche (Devil Bird)

    Maybe so, that's why I wrote it! I' glad you think it is good.
  6. La Fleche (Devil Bird)

    La Fleche (Devil Bird)

    Alot of chickens have names based on their combs, right? And for other unique traits of their breed, or even where and how they The silkies for instance- wait- do I need to elaborate on that? I think their name says enough. Then their is the rosecomb, the Jersey GIANT, sebright, Rhode Island...
  7. Clucksworth12

    La Fleche (Devil Bird)

    really? Alright, I will!
  8. Clucksworth12

    La Fleche (Devil Bird)

    Alot of chickens have names based on their combs, right? And for other unique traits of their breed, or even where and how they The silkies for instance- wait- do I need to elaborate on that? I think their name says enough. Then their is the rosecomb, the Jersey GIANT, sebright, Rhode Island...
  9. Clucksworth12

    Lone guinea fowl

    Guineas are the most independent species of poultry that there is. They do well free ranging and mine mostly just live on my property, feeding themselves and sheltering themselves. They do stay in the place they'e raised. Problems come when they are moved to a new location, then they tend to...
  10. Clucksworth12

    Guineas living with the chickens

    I always keep my guineas with the chickens, (as well as geese, ducks, and turkeys). They all get along super great, just one big happy flock!
  11. Clucksworth12

    White Chinese

    No, not necessarily. Sometimes they be, but is just coincedance. The only way to be sure is vent sexing.
  12. Clucksworth12

    Protective Mother Goose

    Hello! I would say do not get rid of her! She is just portraying her natural instincts to protect and care for her young. she will most certainly go back to the old goose as soon as her babies no longer rely fully on her. Also, have you seen the goose bite your daughter? no doubt the goose did...
  13. Clucksworth12

    White Chinese

    I have raised geese for quiet awhile now, and it would be overall impossible to tell the sex of the geese from the picture provided. In fact it would be ALMOST impossible to tell from even the best photo, until they are grown.
  14. Clucksworth12

    Comment by 'Clucksworth12' in article 'How to keep different poultry types living together in one coop'

    This is very helpful indeed! I find all the information to be nothing but true, based on my past experiences. I raise chickens, ducks, geese, and guinea fowl all together with no problem besides the occasional fight between males.
  15. Clucksworth12

    Can I give my broody duck ducklings?

    I would really recommed keeping them inside then if it is that cold! Good luck wherever you decide!
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