Recent content by clucksnducklins

  1. clucksnducklins

    Lethargic chicken

    I can only find safeguard for horses.. would I be able to use that if I used a pea-sized amount? I've checked all the stores near me and that's all they have...
  2. clucksnducklins

    Lethargic chicken

    All I had on hand to use is apple cider vinegar so I put some in her water, is that okay for now or should I still pick up some medication? Her poop returned to normal and she seemed fine so I waited a couple days and put her back in with the flock...
  3. clucksnducklins

    Lethargic chicken

    My hen has been getting better and acting more like a chicken.. I still have her isolated from the rest of the flock. Yesterday I gave her ~1 ml of nutri drench, and gave her some water with wellness brew in it and a little bit of ACV.. That's all I had on hand.. This morning her poop had a worm...
  4. clucksnducklins

    Lethargic chicken

    I've never had Mareks in my flock before.. I didn't have them vaccinated but this came out of nowhere.. Now I have 2 chickens isolated, I noticed the new one I put in there also had the same poop, so whatever is going on is happening to both. One chicken's eye is squinting and their neck...
  5. clucksnducklins

    Lethargic chicken

    She is only a year old, and 2 other hens that have been affected are also about a year+ old.. I believe she was laying before. We are in Illinois and just got a lot of rain and the gnats have been pretty bad past few days, but it wasn't crazy bad.. so I didn't think it would be that bad for the...
  6. clucksnducklins

    Lethargic chicken

    I just noticed today my head is acting very lethargic and dazed.. and was laying in the chicken coop and didn't want to get up she appears to have scaly legs and her poop looks very abnormal.. I don't know what is going on with her, any advice, please help
  7. clucksnducklins

    Duck eyes FOAMY?

    A few weeks ago my rooster must've attacked my duck.. around both of his eyes (eyelids?) were red and now weeks later they are foamy... He has been getting picked on a lot by the other ducks n is missing feathers around his eyes so I have him isolated in his own pen.. What can I do to help him...
  8. clucksnducklins

    What's wrong with this chick?

    It will still absorb even without the shell on? I think it does look smaller but not sure..
  9. clucksnducklins

    What's wrong with this chick?

    This chick just hatched this morning under my broody hen.. I had to grab it bc she was about to step on it and the chick was sitting in part of the shell but it came right off.. The chick seems to be totally fine but I'm concerned about this mass coming out of it? Any ideas on what this is/...
  10. clucksnducklins

    Normal chick poop?

    Okay! I was just nervous because the texture looked different than what I'm used to seeing.. was worried they might have something.. So I guess I can stop worrying now thank you😌
  11. clucksnducklins

    Normal chick poop?

    I bought 6 baby chicks from Tractor Supply today, one had horrible pasty butt, but other than that they all seem perfectly fine and healthy. My only concern is the poop that I seen in the carrier box they came in.. I've never seen it look like this.. Is this a cause for concern?
  12. clucksnducklins

    Is this coop MINK PROOF?

    Okay thank you.. I've had such great anxiety every night.. on pins and needles worried.. I swear I have PTSD now from it😞It's truly been a nightmare.. Very unreal. I'm going to do my best to put some pins through the wire today
  13. clucksnducklins

    Is this coop MINK PROOF?

    My apron was 2 ft but now it's a little less since I put it up a few inches around the base of the chicken coop.. the ground is rock hard so I'm just hoping that they won't dig through.. the only other thing I can think of is spacing the bricks apart more so it doesn't look like a wall? I'm out...
  14. clucksnducklins

    Is this coop MINK PROOF?

    I have something like landscape staples but I can't put them in the ground because it's still too Frozen.. how far away from a coop will minks really try to dig to get inside..? Now that is my main concern..
  15. clucksnducklins

    Is this coop MINK PROOF?

    I've lost 4 ducks and 3 chickens to a mink.. 2 separate nights/attacks. 6 of my 8 jumbo Pekin ducks have a horrible gash on the side of their heads but are still alive.... it's been a complete nightmare every night. I need some input, I just put this apron around my coop .. I can't bury it bc...
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