Recent content by CluckingLucky

  1. CluckingLucky

    Just Molting or Sick???

    She’s about 1.5 years old, I have all my chickens on starter food, nutrena, since I have some young ones still. I believe her feathers were clean, I’ll double check in a little while. She’s not pale, but she’s doesn’t have the brightest red in the flock either… I’ve put her in a dog crate...
  2. CluckingLucky

    Just Molting or Sick???

    Haven’t noticed any! But will be on the lookout
  3. CluckingLucky

    Just Molting or Sick???

    We have a few hens going through their first molt. I noticed some loss of feathers, and some pinfeathers starting for probably the last three to four weeks. About a week and a half ago, I noticed some of those hens acting more lethargic than normal. Standing by themselves, not eating or...
  4. CluckingLucky

    To winterize (the run) or not…

    I’m wondering how extensively I need to winterized the run. Currently, it’s 20x27, and metal frame enclosed with HWC and chicken wire. I’m hesitant to wrap the entire run in tarps or plastic, we get some good wind out here, and I’m not sure it’s necessary. Last year, in the chicken tractor...
  5. CluckingLucky

    Is subzero metal an issue for chicken feet?

    Yep, I learned that when I put up stick-on insulation, that was within their reach, and what I thought was out of their reach. They immediately decided to redecorate, and pecked off the insulation. I pulled off as much as I could, hopefully they didn’t eat much… 😬
  6. CluckingLucky

    Is subzero metal an issue for chicken feet?

    Thanks, but I wasn’t going to replace the metal, just cover it with some plastic 1.5” hose.
  7. CluckingLucky

    Is subzero metal an issue for chicken feet?

    As winter is approaching, I’m going over different weather conditions and how I’m going to combat them in my new coop and run. My run is 20x30 currently and composed of metal tubing for the frame with chicken wire wrapped and HWC around it. There are a couple of places where the meta tubing...
  8. CluckingLucky


    Yep, what @LTAY1946 said! The hens would have to sit on them for any chicks to hatch. They’ll be incredible omlets or my fav, eggs Benedict well before that happens!
  9. CluckingLucky

    Is this a crop issue?

    Thank you @Saveria ! I haven’t seen that article, I wasn’t really sure what to call this condition. I will definitely give some of these methods a try. From reading through it, sounds likely to be either sour crop or pendulous crop. It definitely swings around like a pendulum 😂
  10. CluckingLucky

    Is this a crop issue?

    We have an EE hen that is about a year and a half old. A month or so ago we noticed what looked like a red ball on her abdomen. After looking closer, it looks like her crop. After watching her, it doesn’t look like she’s pulling feathers, but that it rubs a bit on the ground as she forages...
  11. CluckingLucky

    McMurray Chicks, all EE?

    Thanks for taking a look @JedJackson ! I’m glad to hear that they should be Bielefelders, they are considerably bigger than the other chicks of the same age, so I thought they might be. Maybe I need to look more into what a pure Ameraucana’s physical traits look like 😂
  12. CluckingLucky

    McMurray Chicks, all EE?

    After reading through a bunch of posts here, it seems that it is extremely likely that the MM Hatchery order of Ameracaunas and Bielefelders that I received this year are likely to be a Easter Eggers. The 1st - 3 photos highlight the Bielefelders, the others are what were sold as “Ameracauna”...
  13. CluckingLucky

    Connect on instagram

    Following ✅ We started up a Instagram page not too long ago too, feel free to follow if you’d like ☺️ @Cardinal_Acres
  14. CluckingLucky

    12 Week Old Roo in Illinois

    Thanks, I must be missing it, but I don’t see a state specific forum. I must just not be seeing it 🤦🏼‍♂️
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