Recent content by cluckcluckgirl

  1. cluckcluckgirl

    Hello! I know it has been a while but how are you?

    Hello! I know it has been a while but how are you?
  2. cluckcluckgirl

    So good to hear from you again! It has been a while! So much has changed since we last talked. I...

    So good to hear from you again! It has been a while! So much has changed since we last talked. I lost all my chickens, so am now chicken-less. How are you? Staying safe with all the wildfires lately?
  3. cluckcluckgirl


    We've all made mistakes with our chickies and felt bad afterwords, so don't feel too bad! As others have said, maybe splint it and just give them some love and rest. Chickens are very tough animals (from my experience). Make sure they're eating and drinking enough too.
  4. cluckcluckgirl

    3.5 week old with wattle?

    There's an awful lot of redness to the comb and wattles. Plus, I noticed a bit of a cockerel stance to him, so I'm leaning towards cockerel. Some boys will be naturally aggressive, but some can be real sweethearts. I've had roosters who were violent towards me, but I've also had roosters that...
  5. cluckcluckgirl

    What gender is this Rhode Island?

    I agree with fellow BYCers. And also, :welcome
  6. cluckcluckgirl

    Thank you!!! :D

    Thank you!!! :D
  7. cluckcluckgirl

    And a Happy New Year!

    And a Happy New Year!
  8. cluckcluckgirl

    Merry Christmas to you too!!!

    Merry Christmas to you too!!!
  9. cluckcluckgirl

    Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!!! It's so good to hear from you again! You can...

    Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!!! It's so good to hear from you again! You can always PM me!
  10. cluckcluckgirl

    Comment by 'cluckcluckgirl' in article 'What Affects Egglaying And How To Increase Egg Production'

    @Jim&Dee That may contribute, especially if the hens feel that they do not have the privacy they need for egg laying. A lot would depend on how much time they spend with the chickens. :)
  11. cluckcluckgirl

    That's wonderful! 10 years is a long time, so I congratulate you and your family! :D

    That's wonderful! 10 years is a long time, so I congratulate you and your family! :D
  12. cluckcluckgirl

    I will be sure to wish you a very happy birthday then!!! It is very soon! I figured you were...

    I will be sure to wish you a very happy birthday then!!! It is very soon! I figured you were busy. How has the lodge been? I have missed chatting with you as well, but it is very nice to hear from you again!
  13. cluckcluckgirl

    Hello Sarah! So good to hear from you again! I am doing well now. How are you? I thought your...

    Hello Sarah! So good to hear from you again! I am doing well now. How are you? I thought your birthday was coming up soon?
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