Recent content by clairabean

  1. clairabean

    Rabbits and Chickens

    I have housed them together in a permanant run for about 6 months. The bunny was a bit of a bully until the roo stepped up and dominated her. Bun would go in the pop door to the coop and hang out in a corner. She learned to drink from a chicken waterer and I fed her pellets twice a day. They...
  2. clairabean


    How is everyone faring with this storm? We got about 8 inches last night and now it is raining. I am right above Washington, in BC, about 10 minutes fromt he US/Canada border.
  3. clairabean

    I want turkey!

    Quote: I am exactly the same boat.
  4. clairabean

    Chicken Birthdays?

    Warm oatmeal? Did you hatch them yourself?
  5. clairabean

    recycled plastic bag belt

    Cool belt! I have made a tote out of the bags. It was a stinky ironing, which I did outside.
  6. clairabean

    Should we discontinue the additional light?

    I am north of you in BC, and I do supplemental lighting in our bleak winters. I would continue lighting and hope fo rthe best. It sounds like they have other reasons not to lay than lights. good luck!
  7. clairabean

    Do chickens feel sad when I take her eggs??

    This went from silly to interesting. I have never really thought about it.... They lay, we take. Simple. Like they have a choice.
  8. clairabean

    Cat In our Yard...

    He was probably just trying to find a girlfriend.
  9. clairabean

    My poor arms...

    I have never tried to make butter, but I just may.... If hubby shakes the jar.
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