Recent content by Cindiloohoo

  1. Cindiloohoo

    ISO English Jubilee Orp Roo

    ISO English Jubilee Orpington rooster within 4 hours of West TN.
  2. Cindiloohoo

    Roosters (5 months) Marans/Bressie. I’m in Savannah,Tn. $20 Raised on organic feed

    I’m looking for Jubilee Orpington rooster. I’m just across the river toward Jackson.
  3. Cindiloohoo

    28 day old Serama chicks from incubator

    Looks like a pair to me. All my girls around that age are showing small combs and the males are only a bit larger and darker like yours here.
  4. Cindiloohoo

    Serama pullet or cockerel?

    Pullet for sure
  5. Cindiloohoo

    Adding a bantum to an established wyandotte flock

    Does not look like a Serama to me. Seramas have a different stance, more curve to their backs.
  6. Cindiloohoo

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I mulched around my melons again, hoed between plants, and pissed off some fire ants. Yesterday I tilled the whole acre so today was light duty for the sake of my back :D
  7. Cindiloohoo

    Where to get pullets?

    Locals here are charging anywhere from $5-7 per chick. I can barely find any hens available at all and they’re $30 each. Trying to get a couple a week to get my flock of barnyard mix built up. I have an incubator half full right now just in case.
  8. Cindiloohoo

    Meet the Inflation Chicken

    That’s crazy. I can’t even wrap my head around the amount of chicks it’s going to take to catch up to demand. Mind numbing.
  9. Cindiloohoo

    ISO Delaware hatching eggs

    Looking for some good non hatchery Delawares from decent breeding stock. I’ve lost all contacts over the years I’ve been out of the loop.
  10. Cindiloohoo

    Mississippi iso: Heritage breeds, red plye oegb or bantam cochins or silkies

    Got a friend with OEGB that goes to the sale in Ripley MS on weekends. He should have them there next weekend. He is NPIP certified.
  11. Cindiloohoo

    Let the smiting continue? :D

    Woooowwwwww…have we actually been quiet for EIGHT YEARS?! :weeThis place still has the best emojis ever.
  12. Cindiloohoo

    Mohawk Rhode Island Red Line

    I’m just getting back into “chickening” and bought 3 Mohawk line RIR pullets tonight. No Roos were available ☹️ Looking to find a reputable breeder to buy a roo for these girls very soon. If anyone has any or knows of someone with any please tag them in this post!! That said I’M EXCITED!! If I...
  13. Cindiloohoo

    Let the smiting continue? :D

    Thank you so much for the kind words. That means a lot. Today has been much better thus far. I hope my post just reminds everyone to check on their loved ones who live alone. It is sad to know he laid there for days without anyone knowing he was gone.
  14. Cindiloohoo

    Let the smiting continue? :D

    Yeah I got a close up of the alternative neighbor passed, who is also my Ex's uncle. I had to notify family :( Apparently this happened a week or better ago...and they just found him this morning. I'm highly upset he was found in that condition. He was a terrific old guy, would talk...
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