Recent content by christall

  1. christall

    VERY pale comb/wattles, soft/squishy crop, lethargy... What is wrong with our chicken?

    Does anyone have any idea what this could be? She's not as warm as she should be - but we put her on a towel near the woodstove and she seems to like it... she's moving around more. Her poop is less like "plain water" and more like REALLY watery poop - She also laid an egg about 2 hours ago when...
  2. christall

    VERY pale comb/wattles, soft/squishy crop, lethargy... What is wrong with our chicken?

    My daughter's SLW was (seemed anyway) fine yesterday. This morning when she went out to feed this girl just stood there, her comb/wattles were very pale pink (normally VERY bright red), a bit lethargic, wouldn't eat the apple my daughter offered (her favorite treat)... Her crop is pretty...
  3. christall

    Need a little more help with sour crop

    Thanks everyone. Chuck is sleeping restfully in her crate inside. She has been drinking the water/ACV mixture well. I'm still not doing well with the "irrigation" thing - but she drank quite a bit from the bowl and I mixed that 1:1 - Is it the force of the irrigation that is helpful or the...
  4. christall

    Need a little more help with sour crop

    My daughter's chicken (Chuck Norris) seems to have sour crop. She (yes, Chuck is a sweet little hen) waddled over to us this morning looking like she had a huge, inflated balloon stuck under her chest. It was very squishy when touched - felt empty and full of air. When my daughter picked her up...
  5. christall

    What did you name your chicks?

    We have (all hens) Lacey Gaga (Silver-laced Wyandotte) Olivia (SLW) Ry-Ry (Minorca) Emily (Americauna) Chuck Norris (called Chucky) (also Americauna) Charlotte (called Charlie) (another Americauna) New baby chicks that came home today: Poppy (Naked-neck Turken) Sheldon (Blue laced...
  6. christall

    Comment by 'christall' in item 'Naked Neck-turken'

    I just got one today (day-old chick) and I'm in love! She is the cutest thing... More personality than I ever expected... Such a fun little girl.
  7. christall

    My new chick is SO loud!

    The mirror helped a TON... She's happily sleeping now after staring at herself (and pecking a bit) for about 5 minutes...
  8. christall

    My new chick is SO loud!

    I made sure she was dry and the temp in their box is 95/96 in the warmest spot. Then over by their food it is a bit cooler... They seem to be hanging out in the middle of the space... I'm thinking she's just a big mouth birdy - THE cutest little chick ever, but big, BIG mouth. Thanks for your...
  9. christall

    My new chick is SO loud!

    We just got 2 chicks (a Turken and a Wyandotte). The Turken, Poppy, is THE LOUDEST chick I've ever had. I will freely admit that we've only raised 6 chickens from chicks - but none of them were this loud. She isn't in any distress, is eating/drinking fine, interacting with the other chick just...
  10. christall

    Help - I have NO idea what is wrong with this hen...

    I forgot to add - she's about 2 years old and is a mutt easter-egger... (if that matters much)
  11. christall

    Help - I have NO idea what is wrong with this hen...

    She gets SO mad when my daughter takes her off the nest... So this would be why the feathers on her breast area/belly seem kind of thin-ish? I have a bunch of hard-boiled eggs that I just made - so just mash a few of those up and let her enjoy them for a few days - in addition to her normal...
  12. christall

    Help - I have NO idea what is wrong with this hen...

    My daughter said that one of her hens was acting "weird" last week... When I went to check on her she seemed ok - maybe a little off but nothing that was really noticeable. Then she said that every day she went out to feed/water that this hen was sitting on the nest - She was sitting on other...
  13. christall

    Is this weird?

    Thanks Debs - I was beside myself with excitement... seriously, you would have thought I won the lottery! Of course there were many eye-rolls from the 10-year-old daughter... but she certainly was happy to eat them...
  14. christall

    Is this weird?

    We have 6 chickens and have been anxiously waiting that first egg. When my daughter and I went out to their house this morning we were greeted with not 1, not 2, but THREE eggs. Is that weird that they would all start laying on the same day? We check their nest boxes a few times a day. They...
  15. christall

    Need help sexing 3 different breeds...

    Quote: Chuck had some feather's on his back pulled out by one of the other girls - so his tail looks really funny to me right now - and he's kind of carrying it/holding it up funny. Normally, until the feather incident, it looked exactly like Charlie's... For a while I was thinking he was a...
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