Recent content by Chris2018

  1. Chris2018

    Which feed is best for a mix of chicks and layers?

    As long as it is unmedicated. There are a few manufacturers of feed that make a unmedicated starter. I use Kalmbach and I know they have a few unmedicated starters. I myself use there 20% Organic chick and meatbird starter and its unmedicated.
  2. Chris2018

    Plant Oxygen production question?

    You can find good bit on Photosynthesis online, just use Google Scholar not regular google. Also, when I get a minute, I'll try to post some information on Photosynthesis that's in of the Ball seed company's greenhouse books I have.
  3. Chris2018

    Plant Oxygen production question?

    We cannot compare plants with people and animals, their system is way different form one another. Example: green plants take in carbon dioxide (during the day) and use it as a food source and only takes in oxygen at night, people and other animals cannot. During the day green plants make their...
  4. Chris2018

    How much fertilizer do you actually need?

    I lay 2 to 4 inches of mixed manure on my garden every fall plus in the spring I add from 1 to 4 inches of compost on the garden, but since manures and composts are never consistent in their Macro-nutrients, Secondary Macro-nutrients and their Micro-nutrients I don't consider either a fertilizer...
  5. Chris2018

    Questions on no winter grow zones?

    With the Tamarillos or "Italian Tree Tomato" there not a tomato but a perennial shrub from and mostly grown in greenhouses were everything in controlled. There are "Giant Tree Tomatoes" that can get 18 feet tall and say if in a controlled environment could produce indecently to a point like...
  6. Chris2018


    It depends on how you feel about spreading biosolids (sewage) on your lawn and letting your birds on and around it. I myself use the same fertilizer/s on my lawn as my garden the only thin different is when I apply it. My lawn gets a 5-5-5 dry fertilizer about once a month IF I think the lawn...
  7. Chris2018

    Layer feed not for roosters!?! What should I feed?

    If you do a little research, you will find that there are a number of studies and papers done on the nutritional needs of roosters. There are good reasons why good breeder of poultry either feed male stock a feed designed for roosters (that contains low amounts of calcium) OR they use a low...
  8. Chris2018

    New to raising hens - feed options

    To be honest, there is no such thing as a "natural" diet for chickens as the is no wild chicken. Chickens are "man-made" species bred from jungle fowl.
  9. Chris2018

    This forgotten bucket of compost rotted for over a year

    Dump it in the trash. Being sealed in a bucket you created a low oxygen environment that is an ideal environment for anaerobic bacteria to thrive in. Anaerobic bacteria are the bacteria that you don't want in your compost or soil and will start killing out the aerobic bacteria. The bacteria...
  10. Chris2018

    Chicken poo/compost tea in the garden

    As a "rule" I don't add manure to my gardens. The manure is first composted (in a compost pile) and then the compost is spread on/ in the gardens, I also don't use manures in my teas. The reason I don't add manure to my gardens or teas is because you will be adding bad bacteria, fungal life...
  11. Chris2018

    Crop Rotation detail question?

    As a rule, I use 3 types of nutrients in 2 different forms. Dry -- 5-5-5 (All Purpose) Early Spring and Fall. 7-4-4 (Grow) While there in a growing stage. 2-8-6 (Bloom) While there in a bloom stage, or producing a crop below grown. Liquid -- 3-1-3 (Grow) While there in a growing stage. 4-3-6...
  12. Chris2018

    Sunflowers in the vegetable garden. Ok or no way?

    Below is from a Master Gardener Article on the University of Georga's Extension page. George Weigel, a Pennsylvania Certified Horticulturist and journalist, claims the sunflower has natural plant chemicals (sesquiterpene lactones) which serve as a defense mechanism for fending off competitors...
  13. Chris2018

    Calculating fertilizer needs per square foot or per plant?

    The term aged manure refers to a manure that is at least a year old, you can use it much sooner BUT it wouldn't be concerned aged. A manure that sits, un-aerated for 3 or 4 months will contain less Ammonia in it since most of it leached out and wash away in the leachate but, the manure will...
  14. Chris2018

    4 Week Old Pepper Seedlings

    Thank you.
  15. Chris2018

    4 Week Old Pepper Seedlings

    Just an update, these peppers are filling out nicely. There about 8-week-old and getting transplanted into 1/2-gallon pots. There needing to in the ground badly but the I still have until the last week of May before they can go out. I counted close to 20 buds on this guy as I was transplanting it.
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