Recent content by chookchick

  1. chookchick

    2 mos no egg, will she ever lay again?

    Their diet is an organic layer crumble, augmented by hay, grass clippings, mealworms, oyster shell, and some kitchen scraps. She is eating very well and is a big healthy chicken! She isn't eggbound (i've been through that before with other hens). I am afraid to catch her and look at her...
  2. chookchick

    2 mos no egg, will she ever lay again?

    I have two Easter Egger pullets that a broody raised last year, Laverne and Shirley. In the beginning of January, at 8 months, Laverne started laying. In the middle of January Shirley started laying, beautiful sky blue eggs. I was thrilled! Shirley has always been a very skittish hen. I have 4...
  3. chookchick

    Big run fiasco--is it worth it?

    Yes, they are. Between the birds at their feeders, and the rats attracted to my coop, the hawks must have a pretty good hunting ground. Hope they catch a few wild rabbits too!
  4. chookchick

    New baby chicks

    I like to keep them in the house for the first week (a chickquarium), then transition to a larger brooder in the garage or shed. But like DobieLover said, if you can raise them in the coop with the others that would be ideal.
  5. chookchick

    Big run fiasco--is it worth it?

    So it turns out there is a family of at least 3 small hawks (either Coopers or Sharp-shinned) living in the trees directly over my new run :eek: I suspected as much, but my neighbors, who are avid birders, just confirmed it. I'm SO glad the hens were only briefly in the run before I decided to...
  6. chookchick

    Another successful broody graft.

    Lovely! I recently "tricked" a broody also, no going back to brooder boxes if i have a mama around!
  7. chookchick

    Keeping a clean coop...

    Clean?! A chicken coop is supposed to be clean? Please don't tell my chickens! I'm happy if it just doesn't stink. Knock the cobwebs down and sweep out the old litter twice a year, sift the poopboard once a week. The roost is a mess and I think it'll be easier to make a new one than clean the...
  8. chookchick

    Happy new mama!

    I'm not familiar with Cochins, but I wonder if you got bantams by mistake? I'm not a huge fan of stuff in the water, maybe try going with just water for the chicks? Or offer them both? Don't want to risk them not drinking enough and getting dehydrated.
  9. chookchick

    Happy new mama!

    Congratulations! sounds like you are doing a great job, sometimes those things just happen.
  10. chookchick

    Smelly run

    Don't use hay or straw--they are the worst for smell! I agree with the wood chips and the bonus is they will stay moist and help keep things cool. A nice thick layer. When it get really hot here in the NW (not often), I put out a pan of water with frozen water bottles in it. So they can sip cool...
  11. chookchick

    Shade/shelter solutions please :-)

    I use a tarp, I've had the same one for many years. It is actually clear with nylon threads in it but a solid one would work well also (you could go camo):). If you use bungee cords to fasten it, it won't flap around in the wind and will last longer. I agree, some kind of slope, even a slight...
  12. chookchick

    Leaving vents open at night

    You can set up some "safe zones" with hog wire if you are concerned. IIRC a 6 week old should be able to get through that, but the older ones wouldn't. Put food and water for the smaller ones in the safe zones. But I think they will be fine after the initial kerfuffle.
  13. chookchick

    Big run fiasco--is it worth it?

    Thanks so much for the feedback, it is really interesting to see the range of opinions on the subject. I guess I would lean towards the slightly paranoid of predators end. Jreardon--your setup looks a lot like mine! and your thinking on the big run is similar. I agree that breed selection is...
  14. chookchick

    Big run fiasco--is it worth it?

    I had two much older hens when I integrated two years ago. One of them recently died. What are you thinking regarding this--bullying?
  15. chookchick

    Big run fiasco--is it worth it?

    Hmmm, we do have a large back pack blower, I suppose I could blow it off from underneath every morning? Branches would be a challenge.
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