Recent content by Chook-A-Holic

  1. Chook-A-Holic

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I would like to thank Bob, Gina, and Greg for the help in re-homing most of my birds. As some of you already know I am having health issues that prevent me from properly caring for the amount of birds that I now have. I really don't want to give any up, but you know sometimes you have to do what...
  2. Chook-A-Holic

    How did you fasten down the vinyl flooring in your coop?

    I installed mine like a shower pan liner then stapled it to the walls(14"). Works excellent for using deep litter and easy to change out if need be.
  3. Chook-A-Holic

    Does having a coop/chickens lower the value of your neighbor's home?

    I'll take some cackling hens and crowing roosters over a yapping dog any day!
  4. Chook-A-Holic

    Heat vs Chickens = Death

    I soak the feet not the bird. Every hour I go out and spray the runs down with cold water. Yesterday it got up to 107*, today 105* so far. None of my birds are panting(or have been)and are acting quite normal. In highly humid areas I have to believe that you are actually making your birds hotter...
  5. Chook-A-Holic

    Can bank do this?

    Don't forget to keep an eye on you credit report. You never know.
  6. Chook-A-Holic

    Countertop Dishwasher? Anyone?

    Vesta makes countertop dishwashers for RV's. They cost about $350.00 to 400.00 plus around $25.00 for the hose kit. Our last motorhome had a Vesta that was built in. We hardly used it but it worked great when we did.
  7. Chook-A-Holic

    Automatic garage door Chicken Door

    I thought about doing it once awhile, that's as far as I got though. Looks good!
  8. Chook-A-Holic

    need advice on enclosing tree with wire roof

    If that doesn't work out due to winds damaging the top, you could always build a pen around the tree and leave the top open on the "tree pen". Sure the raccoons may get onto the tree,even crawl down the trunk, but they will not be able to get into the chicken pen. Be sure to leave enough space...
  9. Chook-A-Holic

    Dentist Pulls Out All Her Ex-Boyfriend's Teeth After Split

    lol...Now that's funny!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Chook-A-Holic

    I need answers ASAP. Tyson has a huge chicken barn across the street from me, they told me to get r

    Keep in mind that if you move your chickens your NICE neighbor and Tyson will see to it that you will not be allowed to bring any back onto your property.
  11. Chook-A-Holic


    Make sure that its https:// not http://
  12. Chook-A-Holic

    The Real Facts About The City Of Roswell Chicken Man And His Battle !

    This story makes me so angry I can't even type. I don't dare type what is going through my mind. Justice need to be served to all parties involved including that crooked judge. Sure lets jail a man for moving a pile of dirt... I had the privilege of meeting Andy while delivering a Classic Car...
  13. Chook-A-Holic

    Human deterrent against bobcat?

    We tried the bullets and traps but every-time we eliminated one within a month it seemed that two more took its place. They were terrible around here at that time. That is why we did the bait pens.
  14. Chook-A-Holic

    Human deterrent against bobcat?

    Nicophorus, we watched them jump the fence several times. Also keep in mind anything that they can't quite jump over, they will just climb over with little effort. We also watched gray and red fox climb over into the pens.
  15. Chook-A-Holic

    Is it necessary to open and close the coop door in a penned environment?

    I only close my pop doors when I'm doing chores or when there is extremely severe weather.
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