Recent content by ChloeSilkie08

  1. ChloeSilkie08

    ISO SILKIES! Arkansas or Missouri

    Hello! I’m ISO GROWN silkies for sale. I lost my whole flock and I want to get back into breeding again and hatching chicks. I don’t care the colors or anything like that I just need 3-4 hens and one rooster. ONLY silkies please. I am near the northern Arkansas and southern Missouri. Please...
  2. ChloeSilkie08

    Helping chick out of egg shell

    Look I’ve hatched over 100 chicks I know. I’m worried about the baby because it’s acting weaker than it’s siblings and I want to make sure it’s okay.
  3. ChloeSilkie08

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    When do you guys decide to interfere with a chick hatching? I have one that pipped last night and hasn’t hatched yet. I know this is normal but it hasn’t been chirping or moving like all it’s siblings did. I’m afraid it’s week or something. I can see the beak moving but not doing anything.
  4. ChloeSilkie08

    Helping chick out of egg shell

    When do you guys decide to interfere with a chick hatching? I have one that pipped last night and hasn’t hatched yet. I know this is normal but it hasn’t been chirping or moving like all it’s siblings did. I’m afraid it’s week or something. I can see the beak moving but not doing anything.
  5. ChloeSilkie08

    What colors are these silkies?

    Do you think it’s possible it’s a sex link?
  6. ChloeSilkie08

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Do you think it’s possible that chick is sex link? With the spot on the head
  7. ChloeSilkie08

    What colors are these silkies?

    That’s what I thought! Thank you!!
  8. ChloeSilkie08

    What colors are these silkies?

    Thank you! Sadly they are sold to one of my customers so I can’t see what they end up being. I was going to keep the one with the spot if people thought it was a blue paint.
  9. ChloeSilkie08

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I’m so confused what these are. Idk if these were “fathered” by my paint, recessive white, or splash rooster but I have these hens: Black Buff Recessive White Weird red pyle color Splash Paint
  10. ChloeSilkie08

    What colors are these silkies?

    I’m so confused what these are. Idk if these were “fathered” by my paint, recessive white, or splash rooster but I have these hens: Black Buff Recessive White Weird red pyle color Splash Paint
  11. ChloeSilkie08

    Official BYC POLL: Chicken Keeping - Easier, same or harder than dogs/cats?

    Dogs are by far easier. They don’t need coops cleaned out, have to scrub waterers for days, constantly lay eggs that need collecting, and so much more. When you’re sick your dog is perfectly fine but the chickens need to be let out fed, waterered, coops cleaned, and it’s awful. I’m in that boat...
  12. ChloeSilkie08

    Thread for Christian chicken lovers

    Pls pray for my dad who is in the hospital with COVID. They don’t know if he’ll make it and I can’t if he doesn’t
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