Recent content by chkinut

  1. chkinut

    newly hatched chicks around the flock?

    thank you SO much!!! i will keep them with the flock then! cant wait to see it all happen! i hope at least one hatches. she's a TINY little bantam and has 3 large eggs under her!
  2. chkinut

    newly hatched chicks around the flock?

    hi guys! i have a broody bantam hen who has been on the nest for a week now. i believe she got broody when i brought our chicks out to the run and put them in the grow-out pen. they were a week old at the time and she was pacing back and forth around the grow-out pen and the next day she went...
  3. chkinut

    advice please (to sell eggs)

    thats wonderful advice!!! thanks SO much!!!
  4. chkinut

    advice please (to sell eggs)

    hi everyone! i have owned chickens for years and we are thinking of getting more girls and selling their eggs at the local farmers market in Ohio. we are fairly new in our research of this and i thought i would come here and ask some fellow chicken lovers. what are the laws for selling eggs...
  5. chkinut

    silver cuckoo marans X easter egger question please

    without a doubt, they both have single combs. and i am definately keeping them since the whole point of me hatching them is to carry on another generation of my very much loved and spoiled pets. :) u sure seem to know your stuff!!! and i thank you VERY much!!! you've been a wonderful help!!!
  6. chkinut

    silver cuckoo marans X easter egger question please

    both chicks have single combs. does that mean they will be brown egg layers? i was hoping for some olive eggs.
  7. chkinut

    silver cuckoo marans X easter egger question please

    one more question tho, both female chicks have pink toes and grey/black legs. will they lay brown eggs or green?
  8. chkinut

    silver cuckoo marans X easter egger question please

    awesome stuff!!! thank you SO VERY MUCH!!! now if i only knew what my other 2 chicks are!! lol. but i know only time will tell with those 2. they are both EE. mom and dad were EEs. but thanks on the other ones!!!
  9. chkinut

    silver cuckoo marans X easter egger question please

    the hen was a silver cuckoo and the roo was a EE. so r u saying that my 2 black chicks with NO head marking are female? the 2 with no head markings have white underbellies.
  10. chkinut

    silver cuckoo marans X easter egger question please

    hi guys! i hatched 5 eggs a few days ago. 3 of them that hatched are a silver cuckoo marans and EE cross. out of those 3 black chicks, one has a white spot on its head. i know that with barred rocks (and possibly cuckoo marans) that if it has a white spot on the head then its a female. what do...
  11. chkinut

    how long does a roo need to be with a hen to get fertile eggs?

    thanks guys! nope....i don't know how to check an egg for fertility. other than cracking it open and seeing a bullseye. is that what you mean? and isn't the bullseye hard to see? i should look up pics on the internet.
  12. chkinut

    how long does a roo need to be with a hen to get fertile eggs?

    hi guys! i have never had a roo before.....but i have 2 very dear pet hens who are 4 years old. i love them so very much that i want to hatch out and keep a pullet from each of them. i have a question or old does a roo have to be before he can fertilize their eggs? and how long does...
  13. chkinut

    looking for barnyard/EE mix hatching eggs in hillsboro ohio

    hi guys! i am looking for some local hatching eggs to hatch with my boyfriends twin boys. i would be happy with a barnyard mix. but it would be a plus if i could get some Easter Eggers in the mix too. but it's not necessary. thanks so much! Hillsboro is about an hour away from Cincinnati. i...
  14. chkinut

    can i ship 2 grown hens?

    hi guys! i am able to get my 2 pet chickens back. i moved away from NC and moved to OH about 6 months ago. long story. but i am able to get my 2 chickens back that i had to give up when i moved. my friend was going to bring them to me, but has decided not to come. so.....i still want my 2 girls...
  15. chkinut

    my 2 pet chickens moving from NC to OH

    thank you SO much for your reply!! i appreciate the help!! i'll be getting my incubator on the same day i get my girls. anyone else? please chime in! :)
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