Recent content by chickpeaz

  1. chickpeaz

    Mille Fleur d'Uccle hatching eggs-6+ extras, includes shipping

    I would like a half-dozen (+), too, please -- can you PM me when you have availability? Thanks! -JJ
  2. chickpeaz

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    I had another one hatch yesterday -- on day 26! Just goes to show you that you shouldn't give up on them too soon. It pipped early Sunday morning and made no progress on its own. I thought it was dead and Monday night I asked DH to unplug the bator and toss the remaining eggs. He yelled up...
  3. chickpeaz

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    My update: Day 24 - 6 of 17 hatched, one pipped but making no progress. Leaving all the eggs in the bator till Tuesday and thinking happy thoughts for them. I have 3 easter eggers, one black copper marans, one buff orp and one barred rock. I also have 31 hatchery chicks arriving the first...
  4. chickpeaz

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    So far I have 4/17 hatched (a BCM, a BO and 2 EE's) and two more have pipped. I pulled the first four out and put them in the brooder, re-wet my sponges and rearranged the eggs a bit as they'd been knocked around A LOT by their "siblings!" So it was kind of like a reset this morning. Today...
  5. chickpeaz

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    I think I'm done helping. I unzipped the entire shell, and I tore through the membrane about halfway around. She is chirping away inside -- you can see her little egg tooth sticking out in the pic. She's not dried out underneath the membrane; the egg is sitting on its own little damp...
  6. chickpeaz

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    Yes, I have two wet sponges and two wet paper towels (I took out the water container at lockdown -- I worry about them falling into it and drowning so I just use sponges from lockdown on). I ended up having to plug the fan back in because the temp spiked up to 102*. She's about 2/3 of the...
  7. chickpeaz

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    I started helping the little BCM that was getting nowhere. I've pulled the shell away about halfway around the egg (like a zip) and the membrane underneath is just soooo thick and completely dry and white. I'm dampening it periodically, chipping away tiny bits more shell, and I have the whole...
  8. chickpeaz

    NEW BYC Program & Partnership - Sell Your Extra Eggs! April Fools 2011

    Oh, this is GREAT -- I love all the enthusiastic participants! And it's the perfect time of year to start something like this. Thanks to the mods for always thinking of us and coming up with new ways that we can benefit from our flocks.
  9. chickpeaz

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    Quote: HURRAH! My one "pip" started around 4:15pm and now at 10:26 I can see his beak and hear him better! None of the others yet but at least we are getting some action! So glad you have one too!! YAY fife! I'm glad you've joined in too. Egg #1 has made ZERO progress. Still just a few...
  10. chickpeaz

    Spitz Hauben

    Had one roo -- meaner than a snake. But he threw nice babies with a variety of hen breeds! I have several of his daughters and they're sweet and chatty.
  11. chickpeaz

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    Quote: s................l...................o...................w. A little more progress; a few more tiny flakes of shell have fallen away, but I can still see membrane. No zipping yet, and nothing from anyone else. If things go the way they usually do, I'll start freaking out at...
  12. chickpeaz

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    Quote: Daniellenoel, it is normal for them to move before hatching. My last hatch, I had an spin 45 degrees! That was probably a day and a half before it actually hatched. I hope they hatch out for all your little students. They will be so excited when it starts to happen. YOu might have...
  13. chickpeaz

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    oooh oooh oooh! first pip -- and it's one of only two BCM's! praying for pullets...I love those dark brown eggs.
  14. chickpeaz

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    Humid here, too, but unfortunately ours is falling from the sky as snow/sleet. I'd give anything for some Florida weather right now, even the monsoon kind! It's been the longest, coldest, dreariest winter I can remember.
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