Recent content by chicknfun

  1. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Hello Everyone!! I just got my computer back last night. I had a virus and had to take it to my son's friend to get it cleaned out!! OMG, was really bad timing!! Anyway, hope all is well with everyone! I haven't caught up yet on the threads, so I have no idea what is going on with anyone...
  2. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Hey kids- Just wanted to drop a note and say all is well- I just have been crazy busy and kids going back to school in 10 days......TG!!!!!!!!! Hope all is well with everyone! I will be back on regularly after the girls go back! Love you all, I will try to catch up later today!
  3. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    TONY!!!!!! Looks superb!!!!! You have worked so hard, and it really looks terrific! You deserve a six...or 12 even!.....LOL
  4. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Thought this might bring laughter for y'all- This CRACKS ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!! I have cats, I have chickens, I have a cat who needs a chicken suit............need I say more Got this from the net, and have it on my Tumblr, NOT my cat, or cat sized chicken suit........LOL
  5. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    I totally agree that all children are special and a Blessing......I hope what I said didn't sound otherwise LOL
  6. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Thanks Chickadoodles!!!! Was so cute!!!!!! You know, certain times have been real trials with her, but moments like this are what all my memories are made of!!!!!! Just feeling really Blessed today, and wanted to share that with y'all! Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  7. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    I also want to say, since I am on this morning........Things are getting better here! There is a tremendous amount of communication going on, and DH has taken steps to show that he is committed to getting things straightened out and keeping our family together. Lots less stress at this point...
  8. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    I have seen that you all are getting what we had last week, sort of. The remnants of that tropical storm that fizzled out- hope you get a few good rainless days so you can get caught up!!!!
  9. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    I know this is not chicken related, but I just have to tell you all about my Autistic 13 yo daughter.....The other day we were driving to the beach and as we went under the overpass for I-95, she saw a sign for MIami that pointed off to the south. She said, "I need to go there" Me:, "What are...
  10. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Hi Kids- Have been very busy going through stuff. Sorry- I didn't mean to go incommunicado again, just working my butt off.
  11. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Sounds like you are gittin her done......LOL
  12. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

  13. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

  14. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

  15. chicknfun

    Chat N Chicknfun Thread

    Not Well, for me............ Glad DS is so much better!!!
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