Recent content by chickmes

  1. chickmes

    Chicks foot is dying/vet? (Pictures)

    I'm not able to answer the question, but my heart goes out to you and I :lovethink you're amazing for trying.
  2. chickmes

    Two Roo's or is there a chance?

    Is it the color or comb, or both?
  3. chickmes

    Hello chicken friends can you help me identify these little cuties?

    I was told they were Cuckoo Marin and Buff Orpington and because you agree Rhode Island red. 🤗
  4. chickmes

    Hello chicken friends can you help me identify these little cuties?

    I can never get far enough away from the red light. :D
  5. chickmes

    Weekly growth ameraucana chicks

    They are beautiful. 🩵🩵🩵
  6. chickmes

    Do chickens pass from natural causes (old age)? Sadly, it looks like you're right. This was a sweet article so I'm sharing it for you and your beautiful Isa Brown. 💝
  7. chickmes

    Weekly growth ameraucana chicks

    Let's see an egg!! :fl:wee
  8. chickmes

    Molting and corid

    I hope you can figure it out soon. I am new,1 year old chicken Mama, so I'm following and concerned for your rescues. I hope you get it solved. 💝🐔
  9. chickmes

    Molting and corid

    I never thought every little thing would cause me to worry, but here I am. lol 😘🐔
  10. chickmes

    Hen losing Feather all over, losing weight, not eating much,,,what is it?!

    Thank you, I hope she regains some status as she is terrified to rejoin the other girls and she was my top mean girl. I'll never secretly hope a mean mama gets a little of her own medicine ever again. This has been rough. 💖
  11. chickmes

    Hen losing Feather all over, losing weight, not eating much,,,what is it?!

    Thanks for your reply here she is..
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