Recent content by chicklover16

  1. chicklover16

    BYC trivia challenge! Monday May 7, 2012 at 6:00pm EST, 3:00pm PST

    Come on people, this is gonna be FUN!
  2. chicklover16

    Thanks :)

    Thanks :)
  3. chicklover16

    for $10 would you?

    YA! Would you smile for an hour strait?!?!
  4. chicklover16

    ~<>~The Flirty Girls Chat Thread~<>~

    *grabs ice cream from Erin*
  5. chicklover16

    *sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

    LOL, so how old do you think I am?
  6. chicklover16

    State a fact about the person above you!

    Has capitol letters in username
  7. chicklover16

    ~<>~The Flirty Girls Chat Thread~<>~

    *waves at random man passing by*
  8. chicklover16

    *sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

    you think she is eight!
  9. chicklover16

    did you know............. There going to be a Mother's day hatch-a-long!!!!!!!

    I wish I could hatch eggs but my mom won't let me have any more chicks, I will definately follow this thread though
  10. chicklover16

    *sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

    for some reason that made me laugh REALLY hard!
  11. chicklover16

    What would you do for a MILLION DOLLARS?????

    Tough Question, probably, but only because then I would have enough money to go the the really expensive college that I am saving up for. And I have a nice person to give them to. would you give up your house/furniture/belongings. (after all you could buy new ones with a million dollars)
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