Recent content by chickenmomva

  1. chickenmomva

    Hog Question!

    We do feed them whole corn. We have from the beginning but have added supplement and other grains periodiclly. We were told to take them off the supplement 1 month before butchering them so we did. And now they dont seem to be intrested in the food. They got picky on us.
  2. chickenmomva

    Hog Question!

    We are 2 weeks away from butchering our hogs. We took them off the supplement 2 weeks ago and they are not eating like they were. The are getting just straight corn and when the supplement was mixed in the were eating 15 bushels a week. Now they arent even eating 1 bushel a day! I dont want...
  3. chickenmomva

    Injury or Illness!!!!????

    Seriously have not been on in over a year!!!! All has been well in the chicken world for us until today........we are on our second round of meat birds the first round went off with out incident but our new birds are now 5 weeks old and we have had alot of trouble........we have 75 male cross...
  4. chickenmomva

    question about LIME

    thanks for the info I think I will just use in the yuck that drains in the back of the run that the chickens avoid and the flys love ................
  5. chickenmomva

    question about LIME

    If you use Hydrated lime will it hurt the chickens? My friend uses it in the dog pens and the dogs are ok with it and they have puppies too and they all seem to be fine.........if we use hydrated or any other kind of lime will the eggs be safe to eat?????
  6. chickenmomva

    Most of my eggs have 2 yolks!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4 out of 5 of my eggs have had 2 yolks in them is this ok?????? for the chickens i mean we like it but I wasnt sure if it meant anything for the chickens?????????????
  7. chickenmomva

    I have Brown Egg Layers!!!!!But I got 2 white eggs!

    I have Red Stars , Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds and some Sex links they all lay Brown eggs or are supposed too.........we have been 1 white egg a is not pure white but it is like a real pink white definately not brown......... what would be causing this??????? we solved the...
  8. chickenmomva

    Solved the Mystery of the Rubber Egg!!!!!!!!

    So laying 2 eggs that are abnormal with in hours of eachother is OK???????
  9. chickenmomva

    Solved the Mystery of the Rubber Egg!!!!!!!!

    Since we are having trouble with the mean rooster I have been in the yard alot more...........saw one of my debeaked girls walking funny and she dropped an egg in the was of course the soft squishly one like I have been finding in the coop.........we got her out and put her in a...
  10. chickenmomva

    Bad experience for my child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Thanks guys I am definatly going to try the top dog thing...........I had to go in the run this afternoon and he had a go at me I took a bucket with me and he jumped on it.......I think we are going to have a rough road here........our run is only shoulder high so you have to crouch down in...
  11. chickenmomva

    Can't they all just get along??

    I am having the same problem with my flock and the little ones getting pecked on may take has been almost a month and they are still in the line of fire from time to time.........
  12. chickenmomva

    Bad experience for my child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Last night or evening we let the chickens out in the yard to just hang out for awhile before we put them to bed it was around 7 not dark at all........we have about 21 chickens total and 2 roos........the oldest is Demon he was chasing Rambo the youngest around not fighting just...
  13. chickenmomva

    Causes of the Rubber EGG?????????????

    Thanks for all the good word and advice.........we have only had a few more here and there since it started and yes the eggs are normal on the inside from what I can tell .........the last egg that was soft was on the ground and busted and it was ok otherwise.......I am pretty sure it is one of...
  14. chickenmomva

    Cause of watery whites?

    It would make a difference if the egg was fresh or not .........when eggs are older there whites dont hold up as well other than that I dont know
  15. chickenmomva

    Causes of the Rubber EGG?????????????

    all my chickens that are laying now are 24-25 weeks old.........I am not sure if the vet here does that sort of thing with the fecal test ......everything looks ok as far as that goes nothing different it all looks the same......... I found the 1st one on the ground and the 2nd in the coop on...
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