Recent content by chickenman101

  1. chickenman101

    Help!! open wound on hen!!!

    hello all i have a question. i cam home from work today and started feedin my chickens when i noticed something dark under one of my leghorns wings i picked her up to look more closey and its a deep nasty wound under her wing on her back it looks like its been there for a while it almost looks...
  2. chickenman101

    hens feathers breaking?

    i was afriad of that. i did have mite problems a while back but i did treat all with seven dust and white washed their coops from top to bottom and havent seen any since. ill check her again tomorrow. is their any kind of dip that you use besides dust?
  3. chickenman101

    hens feathers breaking?

    i have a 3 year old leghorn and the feathers on her back are falling out and are very thin. i looked a little closer today and an it looks like the their broke off at the ( stem of the feather) not sure what you call it, but it looks pretty rough and feels like its very hard where so many have...
  4. chickenman101

    Hurt Dog

    i would love nothing more than to take her to the vet, but i just cant afford it right now. this economy is killing me and my job
  5. chickenman101

    Hurt Dog

    would it just show up in 24 hours if it was arthritus? she usually is running around and doing fine
  6. chickenman101

    Hurt Dog

    . i have a lab mix about 8 or 9 years old. i came home the other day and she wasnt actin right almost like she was scared of something. well i kept watching her and she has been laying around like she doesnt feel good and acts very stiff when shes walking or getting on the porch. i though maybe...
  7. chickenman101

    A Dog question can anyone help?

    her skin doesnt look bad like its inflamed or anything, so i dont think shes allergic to the fleas, i think they're just aggravating her
  8. chickenman101

    A Dog question can anyone help?

    lol i hear ya. thats cool. so u think my dog is ok?
  9. chickenman101

    A Dog question can anyone help?

    ok thanks, i just got worried because she was licking herself then she was just laying around like she was sick but she might have just been mad cause i bathed her. and also i used to have a pug that loved protecting my chickens, i guess you could call him their body guard. unfortunately he...
  10. chickenman101

    A Dog question can anyone help?

    i also cant keep her from licking herself after i diiped her. is this bad?
  11. chickenman101

    A Dog question can anyone help?

    shes about 6 years old. yea i thought i better wait i just wanted to get some more opinions
  12. chickenman101

    A Dog question can anyone help?

    i have a dog thats has been bothered by fleas pretty bad. today i gave her a flea dip with happy jacks flea dip. it seemed to help a little but shes still scratching. i then found a small tube of advantage 55 flea control i forgot i had. would it be safe to go ahead and put it on her along with...
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