Recent content by chickenlover007

  1. chickenlover007

    It's going good! I got a new flock and somehow 7 chickens are producing 10 eggs almost every...

    It's going good! I got a new flock and somehow 7 chickens are producing 10 eggs almost every day, I have no idea how, what about you?
  2. chickenlover007

    Strokes in chickens?

    I'm not an expert but something similar just happened to one of my chickens, and she was the only one we had not vaccinated for mareks and we figured that's what happened to her, are your hens all vaccinated for it? because if they were that would rule out mareks but if not I would separate her...
  3. chickenlover007


  4. chickenlover007

    I need all the ground cover options for my run

    We have wood chips, and the coop always smells fine because the sprinklers soak the run every day and the poop drains through them. I've had many different types of substrate in the past, but I like woodchips the best, however it largely depends on thee circumstance. good luck!!
  5. chickenlover007

    Come Ramble With Me!

    Thats the great thing about hiorse riding!! You generally don't have to worry about covid! It's outside, and you almost always have much more than 6 feet between you and anyone else once you get past initial tack up. I rode horses for 5 years and it was the only thing that kept me sane during...
  6. chickenlover007

    Come Ramble With Me!

    So you've completely removed the eschar and it keeps coming back??? The treatment you're giving is the most thorough I've ever heard of, if it's still coming back after doing that every day then it must be an indestructible bumble or something
  7. chickenlover007

    Come Ramble With Me!

    That is confusing. I have absolutley no idea of what it could be but if you haven't already you should upload the problem to an injury forum and see if the rest of the internet can figure it out
  8. chickenlover007

    Come Ramble With Me!

    Is there anything else our of the ordinary that's going on? I remember I fixed a limping hens bumblefoot but she was still having problems, Then I saw that her leg had turned green at the top and was completely confused, I had no idea what was going on, went to the injuries forum and surprise...
  9. chickenlover007

    Come Ramble With Me!

    ooo that sucks, what method of treatment do you use?
  10. chickenlover007

    Come Ramble With Me!

    Yeah sometimes a show being short is not for the best, like Ouran High School Host Club, I was not expecting it to end so soon
  11. chickenlover007

    Come Ramble With Me!

    OHMYGOSH I DIDNT EVEN RECOGNIZE HIM!!! Ive been meaning to watch yuri on ice for sooo long, but its been hard to find time for new shows since school started back up, plus work.
  12. chickenlover007

    Come Ramble With Me!

    @ColtHandorf what anime is your pfp from? It looks interesting and I now want to watch it :woot
  13. chickenlover007

    Come Ramble With Me!

    Yeah, I am surprisingly 🤣 It's been a while, I just got my one year award for the website, I recently fixed another double bumblefoot and the reason I was able to is because of this website!! It has made life so much better for my chicken. in conclusion, HI!!!
  14. chickenlover007

    Come Ramble With Me!

  15. chickenlover007

    Come Ramble With Me!

    I am kidnapping this bird. I shall name him Toodle Doo and he shall be my bestie
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