Recent content by ChickenLegs13

  1. ChickenLegs13

    Soft shells...

    It can be due to age, stress, ilness, injury or you can just chalk it up to stuff happens. It's a common thing and usually clears up after an egg or 2 or 3.
  2. ChickenLegs13

    When do I lower the protein for my Coturnix??

    Cots mature in 6-8 weeks so it's not necessary to use 3 different types of feeds like you do with a slower maturing chicken or turkey. You can use starter till laying age then switch to game bird layer. For simplicity's sake most people feed starter forever and supplement cal on the side, but...
  3. ChickenLegs13

    Coturnix Quail Caging

    If the ceiling is only 8-10" high they won't get up enough speed to hurt themselves when they flush.
  4. ChickenLegs13

    New at this

    You're heating a small plastic box in your house, not heating a hog barn on a cold winter's night. I use a regular 60w house bulb in my lamp, hung about 4-6" from the floor of the tote. Will handle 75 quail chicks no problem. I use the same thing in the outside wire bottom brooder cages.
  5. ChickenLegs13

    Quails Or Chickens?

    I dunno. I've got both. I have a steady market for chicken eggs but the demand for quail eggs & meat is flakey so I'm more into chickens.
  6. ChickenLegs13

    Bob Bob White

    I've never had chicks that young be interested in a dirt bath. Let us know how it goes.
  7. ChickenLegs13

    Need HELP with pasty "constipated" butt!! Can I "Express bowel"????

    Every time I eat too many boiled eggs it makes me feel sick & wobbly, that's a lot of protein, it may affect baby quail the same way. If you noticed they get sick & die after they eat egg then stop feeding eggs. A good feed & water is all they need. When I have a weak puny chick I put him back...
  8. ChickenLegs13

    Need HELP with pasty "constipated" butt!! Can I "Express bowel"????

    Rambling? You want a ramble? Read this. ;) Sounds like your problem may be brooder related. I don't know how you do it, but this is how I do it and what works best for me. You may want to try it with your next hatch. Your milage may vary. After they hatch I leave them in the bator for a couple...
  9. ChickenLegs13

    What incubator

    I've got a Little Giant with an electronic thermostat and a Hovabator with a wafer thermostat, Both have fans. The turner racks are a must have. Both are styrofoam and basically the same bator, but made differently so that the racks, heaters, fans etc will not interchange with each other. In my...
  10. ChickenLegs13

    Good incubator... Or not?

    Yeah I've noticed over the years that if I relate my experiences it makes me think I'm explaining myself better. My 2 fat dumb fingers poking the keyboard makes for shorter stories than if I were telling you face to face though. ;) Hope the bator works out for you.
  11. ChickenLegs13

    Need HELP with pasty "constipated" butt!! Can I "Express bowel"????

    They don't make ex-lax for birds but as long as he's pooping something he's not plugged up. You're doing right by cleaning his butt to remove the blockage of poop but don't over do it. They're delicate and holding them under running water can make them go into shock. Dabbing at it with a wet...
  12. ChickenLegs13

    Using herbs to euthanize quail?

    Roger that! Nothing wrong with trying to learn something new. Thanks for the explaination.
  13. ChickenLegs13

    Good incubator... Or not?

    I had one similiar when I was a kid. They were sold in the back of comic books for $5 and the ad "see miracle of live birth" or something like that. I murdered more eggs than I hatched, which was 0. They had a Christmas tree light bulb and a dinky little thermometer and you were sposed to...
  14. ChickenLegs13

    Using herbs to euthanize quail?

    Yes, I did read it. I wasn't really trying to help, am just curious about the alternative method you are asking about. I could see folks not wanting to buy a quail with a bloody stem where it's head used to be to carry home to the family pet snake, but if you are processing them you are going...
  15. ChickenLegs13

    Help. My quail are killing each other.

    My cages are 10' long and 3' deep, with dividers every 2' giving me 2x3 sections. When regrouping due to loss and cull I pull a divider to give the new group twice as much room. It takes them a week or 2 to calm down and act normal then I squeeze them together and put the divider back in so they...
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