Recent content by chickengeorgeto

  1. chickengeorgeto

    Bobcat strolling by.....

    My Granddaddy told me about being stalked by a cougar late at night while he was coming home from 'sparking' my grandmother. Fortunately for my future DNA the combination of the horse, wagon, and granddad was off putting for the lion and he melted back into the Sand Mountain forest.
  2. chickengeorgeto

    Chicken Injured by Hawk

    An injection or two with LA 50 or LA 200 may go a long way to nursing her back to health.
  3. chickengeorgeto

    Is it possible to re-socialise a chicken?

    Too be fair and truthful I fail to see the problem.
  4. chickengeorgeto

    They choose to sleep outside...

    And remember that once you FORCE them to inhabit your coop they still may prefer to roost in the weeds. Take your chances. Chickens who roost in the sticks are gambling men who IMHO would rather take the chance of a GHO eating them instead of Red Roost Mites doing it.
  5. chickengeorgeto

    They choose to sleep outside...

    The wrens around my place tend to roost inside empity feed sacks in which I store used hay twine. There are usually two wrens in a feed bag, I guess because this helps the tiny little wrens better keep their tootsies warm. Any way the goal seems to be free range chickens, So I decided to post...
  6. chickengeorgeto

    Hawk versus Rooster. Does this happen? What makes a "good" rooster?

    I guess that makes the American Game Cock a good rooster because game cocks are bred to sacrifice their own life before they allow an interloper rooster steal their flock. If you are standing by and a hawk attacks you can usually save your chickens because a hawk is a very inefficient killer of...
  7. chickengeorgeto

    Bobcat strolling by.....

    Perhaps you Father-in-Law needs to take a short class on how electricity works. Without intending to hijack this thread I am posting this list of fetal Puma, Cougar, Mountain Lion attacks. The bottom line is to...
  8. chickengeorgeto

    They choose to sleep outside...

    1. Chickens are not human. 2. If you think that chickens are human, refer to statement #1. Sometimes chickens just don't understand how the human mind works. This is one of those times. What is it about "Free Range" that you are finding so hard to understand?
  9. chickengeorgeto

    Broody chicken not sitting on all the eggs properly

    15 eggs of the same size that the hen normally lays is not to many eggs for a hen to cover. Hens will sit tightly and loosely on her eggs in response to the temperature of her clutch. Besides hens naturally move or turn her eggs up to 100 times per day. At any rate it is forever too late...
  10. chickengeorgeto

    How can I tell a hawk in the sky?

    Hawks n the sky is not a big danger to chickens, but if the same hawk is sitting on the top of your garage or in a tree in your yard then that hawk is a danger to your poultry...
  11. chickengeorgeto

    Do you guys think chickens will destroy my lawn?

    Hopefully that will break your next door neighbor from allowing her little lap dogs to eat from the families dishes.
  12. chickengeorgeto

    What would happen if you bred a cross breed with another cross breed?

    Never underestimate the sense of humor of the British.
  13. chickengeorgeto

    Shavings vs Hay

    As time goes on hay will degrade more and more each day while pine shavings will remain more or less in tact.
  14. chickengeorgeto

    Egg fertility question

    I have seen yards of 1,500 roosters where they were all on string walks or tethered and there will always be a favored roosters or two on these yards who will, lets say get the majority of the action. The healthiest roosters' semen will also remain violable longer imho.
  15. chickengeorgeto

    Egg fertility question

    3 to 5 days is enough time even for the shyest of roosters.
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