Recent content by Chickengal505

  1. Chickengal505

    *sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

    In all fairness her boyfriend does have on a hat, which is like a floppy bucket with a lot of holes. Not as effective as standard-issue steel pails, but his effort deserves some kudos. Make sure the moat is well-stocked so he's eaten before he drowns. His travial should be recognized with a...
  2. Chickengal505

    Golden Retriever with recurring skin inflammation/outbreak/infection?

    We use a filtered fountain waterer called an aqua-cube, and we keep their water separate from their food, which also encourages water intake. Our cat Charlotte is a water-nut, she is constantly wet and plays in the tub, water bowls and the water fountain, so her water intake isn't a big concern...
  3. Chickengal505

    *sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

    We've always used it to keep the pleats in good dresses, and to keep dress shirts from crumpling up when you have to wear them for a while, like funerals and weddings. I've never liked starched dresses but even I have to admit, a good starched dress shirt is infallible if you have to wear it for...
  4. Chickengal505

    Golden Retriever with recurring skin inflammation/outbreak/infection?

    We feed Evolve cat food, it's cheaper than most grain-free foods but is still a high-quality cat food. Cats have a low thirst drive, meaning they don't feel the urge to drink water as much as humans or dogs do and therefore they often won't drink enough water to keep their kidneys healthy. Over...
  5. Chickengal505

    Is feeding pop rocks to chickens ok?

    Humor is a relative thing. I like to imagine you'd end up with a hiccuping chicken bouncing off the coop walls, like and old cartoon. For those who don't have good common sense and would actually like to know if they can feed their chickens pop-rocks candy, it depends. The force with which...
  6. Chickengal505

    *sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

    Aerosol starch is easily the most diabolical invention ever. It's impossible to get it on your actual clothes and when you do get it on it's so unevenly spread you have to start over.
  7. Chickengal505

    Golden Retriever with recurring skin inflammation/outbreak/infection?

    My boyfriend's cat and her sister (who lives with a different family) both had severe upper respiratory infections when they first came out of the shelter as kittens, and while her sister's eyes stopped running after the infection passed, Charlotte's eyes never truly cleared. Her left eye is the...
  8. Chickengal505

    What can I use to treat fire ant bites on a 5 week old chick?

    I was looking around for something more easily accessible for you to use, and white vinegar as a topical seems like it would help. Initially it seemed like it would burn but it actually neutralizes fire ant venom. (I found the below information on the page linked)...
  9. Chickengal505

    *sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

    Apparently no one got my joke
  10. Chickengal505


    It sounds to me like it's a neurological problem, I agree it's unlikely he broke his neck. When did this happen? Can you quarantine him from the rest of the chickens? I'd wrap him up in a towel and put him in a cat carrier, or a plastic storage tote. Basically somewhere he's confined and won't...
  11. Chickengal505

    Still need help!!! baby chicken with hurt leg,,, please someone respond

    My memory is fuzzy but I either had a bantam rooster with one leg who had issues with infected hocks, or a chick that had the same issue. I'd soak the chick's legs in a warm Epsom salt bath to help with pain, infection and swelling, and look toward getting some antibiotics and/or painkillers...
  12. Chickengal505

    Livestock guardian dog for child with autism?

    Well. I had a very long and informative post written about how we train service animals to assist those with autism and how we train them to non-aggressively prevent abduction and wandering, but I left my computer unattended and when I returned, the post I'd spent nearly an hour editing, citing...
  13. Chickengal505

    Blisters on a chicks comb!

    What height is your heat lamp at? When you mention blisters I automatically think of burns, although blisters can form from chafing too. Is the comb hot/warm to the touch? It honestly looks to me like a genetic issue with a cross between comb types, I've had some mutts with pretty wonky looking...
  14. Chickengal505

    Help Please, eyelid injury on 2 day old shipped chick

    I agree, it looks like a normal booboo, and not something disease related. If it persists you can do a cold compress by wetting a paper towel with cold water and holding it on his eye, but if he's opening it and it looks like he's recovering I'd just leave it alone and let it heal on it's own.
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