Recent content by Chickenbodhi

  1. Chickenbodhi

    Is this Phoenix a boy or girl? Lots of Pictures

    I think you have a roo because of the long neck, body language and, comb development. He will be gorgeous and somebody will want him. I have four roosters, all different breeds, and I actually like them better than hens :)
  2. Chickenbodhi

    Combining full sized with bantams?

    The only problem I had with mixing Bantams with Standards was when my rather large RIR Cross Roo developed a crush on my Rosecomb Bantam Hen. His attempts to mount and mate her could have proved fatal for my tiny bantam if they had not been separated! Good luck :)
  3. Chickenbodhi

    Crowing golden sebright hen

    My 8 month old Sebright hen also crows. I also have two other roosters who crow. I can't explain her motivation other than she is the dominate bird in the flock. Is your Sebright at the top of the pecking order in your flock?
  4. Chickenbodhi

    Ancona Chicken Thread

    My month old female Ancona has bright blue eyes. I wish I could post a pic but, despite being on BYC for several months, I'm still not authorized to post pics Has anyone else seen an Ancona with blue eyes?
  5. Chickenbodhi

    Chick Walks Backwards Only

    I have a Standard female Columbian Wyandotte chick born 8/28/11. I ordered her online, along with 3 other chicks (who seem healthy). All 4 chicks were vaccinated for Mareks at 1 day old and all are female. I first noticed that the Wyandotte chick was wobbly as soon as she arrived in the post...
  6. Chickenbodhi

    Does Molting Vary Per Breed?

    Are there breeds of chickens that molt less frequently or only molt in warmer months?
  7. Chickenbodhi

    Combs/ Wattles & High Temps?

    Do chickens with larger combs and wattles tolerate heat better?
  8. Chickenbodhi

    Breeds w/ Smaller Spurs?

    Are there chicken breeds with Roos that tend to have small/ smaller spurs? Either standard or bantam.
  9. Chickenbodhi

    Ok to breed bantam w/ standard?

    Are there any reasons not to breed a Bantam to a standard size chicken. I read that the offspring of such a pairing turn out to be lethargic? Is that accurate? Any other problems for the breeding pair or offspring?
  10. Chickenbodhi

    Pregnancy Prevention?

    Quote: They are fully feathered, and are 3 months old. There are other chickens they could join but, they seem to just want to spend time with eachother and/or me. Is that unusual?
  11. Chickenbodhi

    Pregnancy Prevention?

    Quote: Just keep an eye on them. Sometimes only having one hen, can be hard on the hen - because of the roosters drive to mate. But there are some cockerels/roosters with less drive and they do less "damage" - such as bald backs or heads (keep his nails trimmed so they do less damage to...
  12. Chickenbodhi

    Pregnancy Prevention?

    Thank you. In your experience do you think it is healthy/safe for one male and one female to live together? The female is a lot smaller but she is feisty. I've never seen bullying behavior or fighting, just snuggling. Do male/female pairings develop problems as they get older?
  13. Chickenbodhi

    Pregnancy Prevention?

    I have a Sebright pullet and a Japanese Bantam cockerel. They are very attached to eachother and live together. They both start screaming when they are separated. I'm concerned about the female getting pregnant. Are chickens fertile all the time? Should I separate them at certain times?
  14. Chickenbodhi

    Chicken Diapers?

    Yes! They sell them on the "my pet chicken" website (and prob other places, too). I really hope they are alright to use because both my birds and I enjoy our daily shoulder ride. If only I could get them to stop eating my hair while they're on my shoulders!
  15. Chickenbodhi

    Chicken Diapers?

    Anyone have experience with chicken diapers? Good or bad? Do they deform young bird's feathers or clog the chicken's vents? I have two month and 1/2 olds birds, a Jap Bantam and a Sebright. They love to ride on my shoulders but I'm not a fan of chicken poo on my shoulders!
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