Recent content by Chickenberg Goldenegg

  1. C

    Local Fresh Eggs Help with Allergies

    I was just wondering this too. I've had sinus infections from allergies every spring and I just noticed that I've avoided it this year. Only thing that has changed was eating a free ranged egg a day and moving to the country. I also have far more mold over here so I thought it would be worse.
  2. C

    WTB Blue Australorp hatching eggs

    Found a seller from here.
  3. C

    WTB Blue Australorp hatching eggs

    Indiana. Is the rooster friendly?
  4. C

    WTB Blue Australorp hatching eggs

    I am looking for some Blue Australorp hatching eggs. I want to add a little color variety to my black Australorp flock and get a rooster. My hens are also just waiting to hatch some eggs. Ripping their bottom feathers out in anticipation.
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    I am thinking of getting eggs for mine to hatch if that makes a difference. I'm looking for blue australorps.
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    Has anyone ordered from AVBirds? What is your experience? We're the chickens healthy and up to breed standards?
  7. C

    Where's a good place to buy and what kind of live worms to feed my "girls"?

    Worms will duplicate under logs that the chickens can't eat under. Just putting decomposing logs and stumps around helps the population.
  8. C

    Why is all the feed so old in stores?

    Harvest is in the fall so bags will be either really old grain or last years grain.
  9. C

    Bucket feeder to keep mice away

    Maybe eventually, if I don't forget. Lots of stuff to do before spring.
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    How old is too old...oyster shell shelf life?

    Limestone is old oyster shells. Packed together.
  11. C

    How should I give my flock oyster shells

    My birds prefer the finest of cheap limestone on my driveway. I just cut up a milk jug to cover my oyster shells from some of the rain. 🪦 Driveway
  12. C

    Bucket feeder to keep mice away

    I made a nice simple bucket design to keep mice away with pellet feed. I drilled three 3/4" holes in the bottom, in a triangle pattern, and stuck an eye bolt through it. I then had some small wood pieces and drilled a hole in them, putting them between the eye bolts. I screwed the eye bolt...
  13. C

    How does Organic feed vs non-organic feed for chickens affect the Egg quality?

    Just require them to label properly and the market would figure itself out.
  14. C

    How does Organic feed vs non-organic feed for chickens affect the Egg quality?

    I don't think organic vs non-organic would have much of a flavor difference. It just wouldn't have some leftover pesticides and herbicides. Not that I know how much of that transfers from chicken to egg.
  15. C

    Garden and chickens

    My chickens love tomato and potato leaves ... I have to section them off from them.
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