Recent content by chicken-tender

  1. chicken-tender

    Deep litter method in shed coop/poop boards?

    Just wondering. I just bought 3 bags at TSC in Plainwell at $12,99 a bag cause they run out too often also. Guess it is just going to get worse!
  2. chicken-tender

    Deep litter method in shed coop/poop boards?

    Aart: where did you find PDZ for $9.99 a bag?
  3. chicken-tender

    A Soupbean Inside a Yolk!

    AArt, Thanks for the education. Its one of the reasons I am here. Never heard of a Lash egg. Hope I never see one from my chickens. The link to the lash egg info is great. Eliminates all doubt.
  4. chicken-tender

    11 month old Beilefelder rooster not breeding.

    Boy, Am I glad to hear that! My fellow is very much a gentleman. He watches over his hens well and any squawk and he is right there to handle the problem. Plus he is nice to people too. I will post a picture as soon as I can. Thank you so much for the encouragement.
  5. chicken-tender

    11 month old Beilefelder rooster not breeding.

    Well, I guess I jumped the gun. I now have 4 hens showing they have been riden by the amount of feathers missing from the saddle area of their backs. On close inspection, 5 others show those same areas feathers ruffled up. I also found 2 of 3 eggs definately are fertile. I still have never seen...
  6. chicken-tender

    11 month old Beilefelder rooster not breeding.

    I have an 11 month old Beilefelder rooster in with 5 -11 month old Beilefelder hens, 3 - 3 yr old other hens and 2 - 2 yr old hens. I see him dance around the hens but no mounting. I have been checking eggs and find the white spots in the yolks but no target or circle shape. Is this normal for...
  7. chicken-tender

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    You would have loved our 9th grade gym class at Handy High in Bay City, Mi. We had pool all 2nd semester. All guys, naked, in November and December. They may have heated the pool area, but none of us knew it!
  8. chicken-tender

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Mrs Chicken-tender here. When I was in high school we could only wear dresses to school, here in Northern Michigan. Winter was exhilarating to say the least. And the dresses were not short enough to show your undies unless you were doing high kicks
  9. chicken-tender

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    The young ladies also feel that way if you hold the door for them, open a car door or pull out thier chair. BUT I have noticed that as they age, have an armful of babies or start to need a cane, thier atitude changes. Just ask Janet Joplin. We men just have to be persistent! Yes it started that...
  10. chicken-tender

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I have to quit following this. It's starting to make me miss all good things we used to have, reminds me of all the bad stuff besides some of these young whipper snap comments are making me feel way too old!
  11. chicken-tender

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    What about Twin Pines Milky? And Soupy Sales.
  12. chicken-tender

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    More things this thread has reminded me of : THE camera was Kodak Brownie. In the evening we were entertained by listening to "The Shadow" on the large tube type radio. That was before TV. Also cross country trips were on State or county roads mostly with a few US roads like Route 66; but no...
  13. chicken-tender

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    And I remember how it smelled when you had to clean those diapers! Never will let my siblings forget what I had to go thru as the oldest!
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