Recent content by chickbea

  1. chickbea

    Unemployment Benefits

    Eeee! I think "halo" is right, my tax guy says there have been no appreciable changes to the regulations for deducting business expenses. He wasn't sure what the last part was about so I don't know on that one...
  2. chickbea

    Question Regarding Your Chickens

    The oldest one I ever had lived to be 11, but she's gone now. She stopped laying regularly around 6-7 years, but she always laid a clutch in the spring and the fall, even right up to the end! The oldest hen I have ever heard of was 18. I let all my girls live as long as they happen to live, but...
  3. chickbea

    I could cry from frustration. People have NO respect! *It happened again! But worse this time. Page

    All offices have piglets. Here's how I deal with them: 1. Dishes left in the sink for more than a couple of days? Throw them away. Eventually all the dishes will be gone. Then they can eat out of a can over the sink. 2. If the culprit can be identified, bundle everything into a washtub and...
  4. chickbea

    Have you guys seen this chicken purse?

    I also have this purse! My sister gave it to me for Christmas one year. I'm not a purse-carrying type of person, but once in a while I do use it - because it is so funny! Everyone loves the chicken purse! Goobhen is right - the zipper is too short and it is hard to get things in and out of it.
  5. chickbea

    Bought a horse!!

    She's adorable and she sounds like a sweetie - have fun with her!
  6. chickbea

    WHAT THE HECK IS WOMAN'S INTUITION?????????????????????

    Well, I'm a woman, and I don't see what is wrong with visiting with someone who you used to know a long time ago, even if you once had a romantic involvement. I guess it comes down to how secure you both feel in your marriage - every time my husband goes home to visit his Mom he sees plenty of...
  7. chickbea

    Friesian/Paint Colt-Added more pics, pg 3

    Was this an intentional mating or an ooops? Is there some sort of proof other than their word that these are indeed the parents? The pics and your description ("very flexible on price") sound a bit like a byb to me... Something else that concerns me: by 11 months old I would have liked to...
  8. chickbea


    I've never owned a pure-bred dog, and probably never will, but I do take an interest in the genetic manipulations that people engage in. National Geographic just had a great article concerning dog breeds - I believe it was the Feb issue. Check it out! I've owned big dogs, little dogs, and...
  9. chickbea

    Some people really pi$$ me off!

    Yay for you! Even though these people are gone, I encourage you to report the abandonment to your local authorities. Last summer a woman near me was prosecuted for leaving a house-full of cats unattended. Apparently she travelled for work and was always on the road, but she "faithfully"...
  10. chickbea

    Got a Knock on the Door Today...

    Is it the town lister coming to do an appraisal? That's the only person in my town who is allowed to come on the property.
  11. chickbea


    This was kinda what I was thinking - you have to put some effort into getting your face close enough to get kicked by a Shetland! You have to think safety all the time - I'm 44 years old and my Mom still worries about me getting hurt. I have to remind myself regularly as well; it's easy to...
  12. chickbea

    strange birth defect in puppy

    I'm so sorry. I have heard of successful operations on this issue with other species, but I believe action would have needed to have been taken immediately following the birth.
  13. chickbea

    Just today there were 200 pets posted on my craiglist....

    Yup...from the puppy mill to Craig's List... Our local Humane Society has had two recent puppy mill busts and Craig's List was the main selling forum.
  14. chickbea

    Someone explain Bob Marshall to me

    This was my favorite quote from the article: ..."Rev. Joe Ellison, vice president of the Council on Biblical Principles, said that when he was in college, he paid for girlfriends to get abortions. He said he still feels guilty about that today." Of all the wrongness that those statements imply...
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