Recent content by Chick_a_dee

  1. Chick_a_dee

    Bully breeds - share your dogs!

    My boyfriend and I are bringing home our pug puppy next weekend, but I have some photos from when she was about 5 weeks that our breeder sent me.
  2. The Horses 2

    The Horses 2

    The Horse We've always had horses, even when we lived in suburbia. At that time we boarded out at various barns and at one point we had 4 going at once and it was costing a fortune! We eventually sold all but one of our horses who was then shipped out west to live with our former coach and...
  3. Chick_a_dee

    Henhouse Renovation

    The Henhouse Renovation When we moved into our farm in June 2008, we decided we definitely wanted some chickens. At the time we were so busy with moving in that no one could really see there being an advantage to building a coop from scratch. Instead we looked around the property for something...
  4. The Chickens

    The Chickens

    The Chicken Ladies When you think of farm life, automatically chickens come to mind! And what did we do the first second we knew we were moving to our little farm? Well we ordered 15 chicks of course! Now the girls are all grown up and laying eggs like mad, and by laying eggs like mad I mean as...
  5. Chick A Dees Page

    Chick A Dees Page

    Hill House & Lupin Farm RR 4 Stirling-Rawdon Ontario Canada + Our working-to-self-sufficient farm in the heart of Ontario countryside The Hens, Henhouse Renovation, The Ducks, Duck House Build, Photos of our Farm, The Horses, The Dogs, Farmhouse Renovation, Our Website...
  6. Chick_a_dee

    Anyone else with horses???

    This is Luna, she's a little rescue pony... bout 14hh with horrible feet and messed up back legs (that are straightening out!) BUT she IS rideable for short trail rides and such. She's a real sweetheart with lots of attitude and I just couldn't leave her and we brought her home a couple years...
  7. Chick_a_dee

    Is it normal for a chicken to go after a cat?!

    One of our barncats got pecked right between the eyes once by one of the hens. None of the cats have been interested in going ANYWHERE near those chickens ever since. They all puff up their tails and skulk away LOL
  8. Chick_a_dee

    Integrating young ducks into existing flock

    Okay so my 2 Buff Orps hardly qualify as a flock but we have 2 more Buff Orp Ducklings (Drakeling and a Duckling) that are now 6 weeks old and massive. I'd love to put them out with the big girls pretty well now, this is around the time we put the big girls out and its warm enough out that they...
  9. Chick_a_dee

    The golden question: is my coop too small?

    I got my hardware cloth extra cheap at Home Hardware. They sell it by the foot, and I was lucky because they didn't quite have as much as I really wanted so I got it for like half price bahahah
  10. Chick_a_dee

    Can two friends brood together?

    One of my Buff Ducks went broody last week and has been "team brooding" her nest with the other remaining Buff Duck. The other Buff Duck will often get off the nest and find something to eat or hang out by the pool for a while, kind of on guard for the duck on the nest. It's actually a little...
  11. Chick_a_dee

    Chicken Coop Remodel UPDATE: Lots of photos, Roof is on!

    Quote: Haha I'm sure we will. I plan on jacking it up on car jacks and attaching wheels to it and then rolling it from that location down the driveway to the new location.
  12. Chick_a_dee

    stained or painted? What stands up best? Cleans best?

    I *really* like the Behr Solid and Semi-Solid Siding/Fence Stains. They come in a huge array of colours and last forever. Our run-in shelter for the pony is stained with the Behr Solid Stain for Siding and Fences in Colony Blue Looks fantastic.
  13. Chick_a_dee

    Update on my Psycho Runners

    I think some ducks are people ducks and some ducks are just not. For instance, our 2 (remaining) Buff Orp ducks are terrified of people. They want NOTHING to do with us. Nevermind that we raised them from wee things. I can get closer to them than you and if you're lucky and you corner one you...
  14. Chick_a_dee

    Nesting Box Bedding

    I would go with a very thick layer of pine shavings. That is what we use and after a few tries with other bedding materials that didn't work out so awesome, this has been the best option. We have a 6" kick board at the front of our boxes to make sure the chickens don't kick out all the bedding...
  15. Chick_a_dee

    Chicken Coop Remodel UPDATE: Lots of photos, Roof is on!

    Here it is at the end of the day. It is far from being completely predator proof, so we're going to use our rock trick tonight and set rocks up on the sill. Mostly its predator proof though and Kevin and I will take turns staying up tonight to ensure the chickens are fine overnight. I would be...
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