Recent content by chi-rn

  1. chi-rn

    What is Grit and why do you need it? Do I need it?

    Quote: I'm not sure you can make such a blanket statement. In fact, I know you cannot. The commercial food that I use does NOT have grit in it. If it did, I'd switch to one that didn't. There is NO WAY I'm paying 'food' price for rocks. If you feel you need to supply grit, then buy some...
  2. chi-rn

    Silly rooster...

    Life is Good! : Only a testerone-filled teenager cockeral here..... He's good to his girls (protector) - even tried to growl off a baby bunny that was sitting outside their fenced run yesterday! Crazy boy.... X2
  3. chi-rn

    Hi There!

  4. chi-rn

    Hi! =]

  5. chi-rn

    Hello BYC from upstate SC Family

    Agree... sex-linked hens (called by various names). I have same... called Golden Comets-- although, some are quite red! For your signature, click on "Profile" at top of page, choose "Personality" from left-hand column on the page that displays. Type in whatever you want!
  6. chi-rn

    Is an only chicken ok?

    Here's a thread you might be interested in:
  7. chi-rn

    Durty water and young flyers

    We do the cinder block thing too.. Works very well for us. Having sand in the run keeps things cleaner too!
  8. chi-rn

    Can I Feed My Flock Not-Plain Oatmeal?

    I wouldn't. Sugar serves absolutely no nutritional value... & would curve their appetite for the things they need to be healthy egg layers.
  9. chi-rn

    What is Grit and why do you need it? Do I need it?

    Commercial feed has grit in it already!
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