Recent content by chexmix

  1. chexmix

    Injurie???? Help Please

    no doesn’t ever act like it hurts
  2. chexmix

    Injurie???? Help Please

    Huby is acting like its not hurting but her its toe is crooked is something wrong. is there something I can do? is this Normal. any all advice Please!!!
  3. chexmix

    Breed Questions

    We got them at a Farm store
  4. chexmix

    Breed Questions

    We have two chickens that we do not know there breed. Huby and Sunny when we were picking chickens the place we went wasn't really helping and was like just grab the ones you want and the family would point at the ones they wanted and I would get the chicks for them they were paying attention to...
  5. chexmix


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes I'm new to chickens. We got our chickens March 11th (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 11 (3) What breeds do you have? Buff Bramahs, Golden lace Wyandotte, easter Eggers, two silkies, and a few not sure there...
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