cheryldb's latest activity

  • cheryldb
    cheryldb replied to the thread Rouen duck breeding.
    Okay so I took her eggs and put them in the in the incubator. We are on day 28. Put in lock down on day 25 no sign of movement or...
  • cheryldb
    cheryldb replied to the thread Rouen duck.
    I candled the eggs no sign of growth. I put in my incubator. I will check in 8 days. Hoping for the best.
  • cheryldb
    cheryldb posted the thread Rouen duck breeding in Ducks.
    I got 2 Rouen ducks from Cackle last year in a surprise box. One male and one female. She has built a nest and laid 16 eggs and...
  • cheryldb
    cheryldb posted the thread Rouen duck in Ducks.
    Is my Rouen duck going to hatch her clutch of eggs? She made a nest and has laid 16 eggs in it. I have two Rouen one drake and one duck...
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