Recent content by Cheryl1948

  1. Cheryl1948

    Prolapsed vent

    Fantastic news irischick! Not trying to be negative, but do check her everyday because once it has occurred it can happen again. It may be a few days, weeks or months, but hopefully NEVER! You're a good "hen vet"....ha ha Cheryl
  2. Cheryl1948

    Prolapsed vent

    Hi irischick, I think in your case maybe you should wait until it seems she is 100% and then put the crate in the run for a while each day for a couple of days, so they can get used to her again. Sounds like you have a small coop. Mine is huge. It is an 8X16 cabin I renovated into a really...
  3. Cheryl1948

    Prolapsed vent

    Hi Irischick, Not sure what to tell you. I did use the Witch Hazel in the soaking water and dabbed it on the vent with cotton balls; then dried her off and applied the Prep H while pushing the protrusion back into the vent. If you read online and some of the past posts on this site, you will...
  4. Cheryl1948

    Prolapsed vent

    Irischick, I really pray my advice helped your little one and she recovers quickly. :)
  5. Cheryl1948

    Prolapsed vent

    I had a Wyandotte that prolapsed twice. Both times I put Witch Hazel on the area and applied Preparation H to the area and, yes, pushed the organs back into the vent with some Prep H on my finger. It worked. If you put her in with the flock with the vent still prolapsed, the others may peck...
  6. Cheryl1948

    Tractor supply pullets

    I didn't say another chick, I said could she get another pullet.
  7. Cheryl1948

    Tractor supply pullets

    A friend got three chicks from TS and was told they were female. Turns out one was a cockerel. They are 8-9 wks old now. I found a home for her cockerel. Can she get a pullet and add her to the two she has? The coop and pen they built doesn't allow space to separate a new one. Will they hurt her?
  8. Cheryl1948

    Hatching with 2 broodies

    It usually takes 19-21 days for eggs to hatch. Or, they may not be viable. Have you candled them to see?
  9. Cheryl1948

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Chickmammy, they look like sweet little girls to me!
  10. Cheryl1948

    De-worm or not to de-worm, that is the question

    Will copy that bread recipe. I would turn my nose up at all of that red pepper, turmeric, etc. lol And, I do have plenty of propolis I can harvest from the hives. Got some today as a matter of fact. I brought Naomi back up to the house around 6 pm. I mixed some Nutrena feed in water to...
  11. Cheryl1948

    De-worm or not to de-worm, that is the question

    Yes Kikiriki, it is a shame that the deed is done. I gave them the water with the Wazine in it yesterday afternoon, but I took it up this morning. I really do not believe worms are the problem. The egg situation (soft egg, little egg, no-shell eggs) has been happening since I bought a bag of...
  12. Cheryl1948

    De-worm or not to de-worm, that is the question

    Kikiriki, thanks for the info. I did look at the poop chart and the closest looking poop is the clear with a little bit of poop in it. The caption said it was from a hen that may have had worms or egg peritonitis. But, there were no worms in the poop picture. I have not seen any worms in my...
  13. Cheryl1948

    De-worm or not to de-worm, that is the question

    My 16 hens have been laying very inconsistently for a couple of weeks. And, some are without a shell and one looked like a "gumball" is was so small. A couple of the girls seem to be having diarrhea. And, now, as of yesterday afternoon, one girl is acting very sick. It appears she is not...
  14. Cheryl1948

    Ended Contest #5 Broodies and their Babies Contest! - 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

    25! omg I'll bet it is cute when they are following her around!
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