Recent content by Cheers2Ya

  1. Cheers2Ya

    Review by 'Cheers2Ya' in article 'Turkey Incubation and Hatching Guide'

    Thank you for this great article. I've read it about 10 times throughout my first-ever incubation of turkey and chicken eggs (which were added a week into the turkey eggs set). Almost ready for the hatch day! I've raised chickens and turkeys for awhile now, but always had a broody. This year, my...
  2. Cheers2Ya

    Turkey egg problems

    My heritage turkeys started laying in the middle of January. I live in northern North Dakota. It is freezing here. I have 18 turkey eggs in an incubator now. It's too cold to be laying a clutch outside. Several eggs froze and cracked before I was able to get them. It's only been four days.
  3. Cheers2Ya

    North Dakota

    Hey all fellow NoDakers. Just wanted to pop in here to wish you (us) all luck through this coming winter, as it seems to be in the air. I live about 38 miles NE of Minot and have a flock of 19 chickens and 5 turkeys. Was six till last night, a very large bird killed one of my turkeys that...
  4. Cheers2Ya

    Broody hen kicked out 3 eggs after 1 has hatched

    So what happened with the eggs?!?
  5. Cheers2Ya

    Meaties sale price?

    I asked a few months ago on a local FB page what oeople sell their butchered birds for, and is it per bird or by the pound. Some sold their 4-5 lb birds for $10 each and >5lb for $15. The majority sold by the pound and ranged from $2.00/lb to $3.50/lb. I just sold mine last week for $2.25/pound...
  6. Cheers2Ya

    Cuckoo Marans Coloring Question

    Is he a mix or full Cuckoo Marans? Awesome!
  7. Cheers2Ya

    Roo dilemma.

    He is a pretty boy! I've never had a "bad" rooster yet, so I've yet to experience being attacked by one of my guys. That will be a sad day that is likely coming at some point if I keep having more. I got two roosters that came together when I started my flock, both mature and decent (a standard...
  8. Cheers2Ya

    Cuckoo Marans Coloring Question

    Hi Kiki, thanks for the reply! I got him in a day-old shipment March 2 this year. Who knows what he's supposed to really be?! haha Edited to say: I went back to MM website and it looks like Cuckoo Marans is the only variety they sell. I found a short blurb about Black Copper Marans, but none...
  9. Cheers2Ya

    Cuckoo Marans Coloring Question

    Thank you for the reply EggSighted. He's a great rooster, no issues with him at all. I was just curious about the gold-like look and couldn't find any info on it.
  10. Cheers2Ya

    Cuckoo Marans Coloring Question

    Hi! I have a Cuckoo Marans that was my "free rare" from a hatchery order. I'm sure since he's from a hatchery, instead of a breeder, his coloring my not be perfect. But I'm wondering why he has a gold sheen to his black and whiteness? Is that what is referred to as 'color leaking'? It's really...
  11. Cheers2Ya

    Hello. New Egg Hunter here.

    Welcome from North Dakota!!! Have fun and ask anything you want!
  12. Cheers2Ya

    Camel Crickets Everywhere

    I have absolutely no help for you, I've never even heard of camel crickets before! But I have to chime in here to say that in addition to learning lots about poultry keeping, I am amazed at what I am simultaneously learning about other regions! Some of the pests and dangers are similar, but some...
  13. Cheers2Ya

    What the world?!? Eggs???

    Thank you for the clarification. Somewhere along the lines I crossed my wires with Black Spanish and just Black. I assumed when someone said Black, they meant Black Spanish. Got it now! Yes, the hatchery sold him as a Black Spanish. Thanks for the help!
  14. Cheers2Ya

    What the world?!? Eggs???

    Thanks for the reply! I know she didn't become a boy, then a girl. hahaha I just thought she was a hen, then I thought she was a tom when her beard began growing, then accepted that she is actually a she with a beard. We'll see how this clutch goes, I'm checking the nest daily. If they hatch...
  15. Cheers2Ya

    What the world?!? Eggs???

    I will be moving her and the poults into the secure, covered run as soon as they hatch. We just butchered our 50 cornishX on Saturday, so now the run is available. I did not expect a fall clutch, so I was not prepared. All the chickens and turkeys free range completely, but return to the coop...
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