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  • Cheems
    Cheems reacted to KathiQuacks's post in the thread Broody drake?!?!?! with Love Love.
    He’d move out of the way whenever his hens needed to lay, but as soon as they were done, he’d hop right back on the nest and stay there...
  • Cheems
    Cheems reacted to KathiQuacks's post in the thread Broody drake?!?!?! with Love Love.
    Yes!! My eldest drake was “broody” for a few months. It’s not a very common behavior in ducks, though. Here’s some pictures of him...
  • Cheems
    Cheems replied to the thread Broody drake?!?!?!.
    That is so adorable!!! I can’t believe how cute that is and without a hen too!! 😍
  • Cheems
    Cheems replied to the thread Broody drake?!?!?!.
    That sounds hilarious lol and if I ever get the opportunity to, that sounds like so much fun!
  • Cheems
    Cheems replied to the thread Broody drake?!?!?!.
    That’s fascinating and although very tragic, at the same time it’s very sweet. Every day these ducks surprise me with something lol!!
  • Cheems
    Cheems reacted to KayisforKale's post in the thread Broody drake?!?!?! with Love Love.
    That is the cutest thing that I have ever read/seen! 😍❤️
  • Cheems
    Cheems posted the thread Broody drake?!?!?! in Ducks.
    So my white call duck drake (Carl) who is 2 years old has found a hen he really likes this season and he has not left her side!!! It...
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  • Cheems
    Cheems reacted to RememberTheWay's post in the thread WARNING: Hoovers hatchery with Like Like.
    I just ordered from Meyers and they didn't put a heat pack in mine. I lost 16 chicks of 47 I ordered within 5 days. It was terrible. I...
  • Cheems
    Cheems reacted to JRozak10's post in the thread Duck egg day 27 with Love Love.
    UPDATE: This little duckling hatched while I was sleeping last night!! Thank you all so much for all your helpful information and tips...
  • Cheems
    Cheems replied to the thread Duck egg day 27.
    Awww what an adorable little one.
  • Cheems
    Cheems replied to the thread Duck egg day 27.
    Yes that is true, if it hadn’t internally pipped then it might not be the best idea.
  • Cheems
    So after looking at it more, it definetely was a prolapsed vent. And she is actually a he as I could see his genitals exposed...
  • Cheems
    Yeah I’m going to do that. Right now it’s staying in the incubator so it stays moist and I’m going to work that back in
  • Cheems
    Cheems replied to the thread Duck egg day 27.
    And you’re welcome! Hopefully the little duck makes it but it seems fine so far! The hole you made won’t be an issue and now the...
  • Cheems
    Cheems replied to the thread Duck egg day 27.
    Just wondering but what do you mean they breath through the membrane? From what I’ve seen and heard they break a hole in the membrane so...
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