Recent content by Charming Chick

  1. Charming Chick

    Local ordinance question

    Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your neighbors dogs.... not good.... I would think there is some ordinance that dogs are not to run free or perhaps a 'leash law' which could be used as a warning to the neighbors? Our 2 acres is fenced only on three sides. We also have 18 chickens...
  2. Charming Chick

    what do you do with your cockerels???

    We have had great luck at finding new homes for several extra roosters. At our local feedstore, we post a color photograph of the rooster and write FREE ROOSTER (and include our phone number). Doesn't take long and the phone calls start. Our handsome Silver Lace Wyandotte rooster ended up...
  3. Charming Chick

    Black oil sunflower seed/Feeding question...

    I've been feeding my chickens already-hulled RAW sunflower seeds as a treat, not every day but maybe every third day... Is it really okay to feed them black oil sunflower seeds with the hull still on it??!! I would think the hull would not digest; that maybe it was too sharp and pointy...
  4. Charming Chick

    New Member from Western Washington

    Hello!! After months of reading great stories and information on this website, I decided to register. I was raised a city girl, with 'normal' pets like cats and dogs. Fast forward to today... (many years later....) I have a wonderful husband and our home is on several acres in western...
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