Recent content by ChaoticRogue14

  1. ChaoticRogue14

    One Duck Using Other Duck As A Floatie

    Thank you so much! I was worried it was a dominance thing. The odd part about it though is that my Rouen doesn't have that mating reflex. I guess some ducks have it and others just don't? Really though, this was very informative. I really appreciate the quick reply. :)
  2. ChaoticRogue14

    One Duck Using Other Duck As A Floatie

    Okay, I know it sounds like my ducks are in the process of mating based on the title but I know this isn't the case since my two ducks are both female. Here's the story: Today, I let my two girls out of the coop like I normally do. They went to the pond and started washing and eating and whatnot...
  3. ChaoticRogue14

    Strange duck eggs?? Is something wrong?

    Maybe if you can freeze a few ice cream containers full of water, it might work better and last longer. Good luck keeping cool!
  4. ChaoticRogue14

    Strange duck eggs?? Is something wrong?

    They're pretty amazing. The first day mine saw snow (a week or so ago), they complained to be let out of their pen, went to both ponds, discovered ice, circled around the property and went back into their house and complained some more. It was very funny. On another note, Muscovy hens are...
  5. ChaoticRogue14

    Strange duck eggs?? Is something wrong?

    Wow you're lucky! I was doing some reading and apparently ducks won't set until they're satisfied with the size of their clutch which can get to be between 8 and 16 eggs, but it also depends on the duck too. And they aren't picky about whose egg they sit on. What boggles my mind is how an entire...
  6. ChaoticRogue14

    Strange duck eggs?? Is something wrong?

    I would love to but I think I've got two females and they haven't set the eggs because I heckled them again when I changed their water and the eggs were frozen... but if I can successfully winter my ducks, I'm going to look for a male to breed them with. Hopefully I can teach them to incubate...
  7. ChaoticRogue14

    Strange duck eggs?? Is something wrong?

    Thanks, Jen! Neither of my ducks have been setting but my Pekin caught me handling the eggs and tried to take it away from me, so that might be a sign. But my rouen still has female coloring but if s/he hasn't gotten male feathers yet, I guess it's safe to assume s/he is a female too. I wish you...
  8. ChaoticRogue14

    Strange duck eggs?? Is something wrong?

    I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Thanks so much!
  9. ChaoticRogue14

    Strange duck eggs?? Is something wrong?

    Hi! I don't mean to get off topic or take away from the original question, but I couldn't figure out how to start a new thread because I'm on my phone. I have two ducks, a rouen and a pekin. Today I found eggs in the nest and I was just wondering which was laying them. I took a picture of...
  10. ChaoticRogue14

    Pekin flattens back when stroked there?

    The rouen started with a black beak and it seems to be turning a dull orange. They're both a little over five months and from what I've read, that's when they read maturity, but I could be wrong. The rouen also seems to have metallic feathers on its head and wings (excluding the blue patches)...
  11. ChaoticRogue14

    Pekin flattens back when stroked there?

    Cool! Can this be an indication of gender? Because I'm still not 100% certain of my ducks' genders. Neither have drake feathers, but my Pekin has a loud quack while my rouen has female coloring and a soft, rapid quack that *almost* sounds raspy. Thanks for the reply by the way. :)
  12. ChaoticRogue14

    Pekin flattens back when stroked there?

    Tonight I discovered my Pekin duck does this weird thing if I touch her between her wings. I was trying to get my ducks out of their little pool for the night and I had to nudge them a bit. Then I pet my Pekin on her back and her wings lifted a bit and she raised her tail then made this strange...
  13. ChaoticRogue14

    URGENT! Duck was attacked, now lethargic!

    I'm pleased to say Strut is better. His personality is back to normal, as is his appetite. And aside from some odd looking patches on his neck where his feathers are coming back in, he's looking great. Thank you to everyone who gave me advice and words of encouragement.
  14. ChaoticRogue14

    URGENT! Duck was attacked, now lethargic!

    Hello, Sorry for the long wait for an update. I'm glad to say Strut is fine, although his neck is still oddly crooked. I believe he has a VERY mild case of wry neck. I'm not sure how or if to treat this but if it doesn't get better on its own, I'll look for a vet in my area who can hopefully...
  15. ChaoticRogue14

    URGENT! Duck was attacked, now lethargic!

    Hello all! I just went out to take care of the Ducks and I decided to snap some pictures of them being their usual selves. Note: I took a cup of peas out tof give my ducks and my dog stole the container, peas and all. Angel, the Pea Thief Strut feeling better Enjoying the pool Jem...
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