Chaneys Ranch

I have truly enjoyed the last 8 years with BYC. Met so many good caring people that's taught me a lot. So many are good friends now and I am grateful to know them.
I grew up in a small town NW Indiana Cedar Lake. You could keep small livestock including poultry. My house was a brewery for Edelweiss, the garage was an Ice House off the lake. I loved the history from the 1800's.
My Grandma Miller had egg layers at our house in the garage late 1960s. I was very little, maybe 6 but remember her telling me how to be gentle so I didn't frighten them. Collect the eggs and ignore the pecks, it didn't really hurt. Strong determined woman, very quiet unless you'd interrupt her. She was a German immigrant and I admired her very much. As I got older she would randomly tell me things about cows, pigs, geese, goats and other critters. We lost her when I was 17 about, and I still remember so much wisdom from her. She is missed a beautiful soul.
My other Gramma, Hornbaker was from the Pennsylvania hills, as well as my Mom. I saw very little of her. Very clannish and didn't like my Dad so much.. He is from Indiana. She did keep pigs and chickens. I learned a lot from her as well but the Indiana resentment seemed to overshadow Moms kids. Just sad. I so wish I could have known her more.
My Dad let me keep a goat, geese and meat chickens as a teen. Nanny the goat was likely a mix, never bred and just a pet. Dad loves geese I think they were Embden, Chinese and later had Toulouse. The chickens were from a feed store, Cornish cross in 1983! That was an awesome harvest and I knew I wanted to do that again. Years later I retired.
So in 2010 I committed myself to care for my aging parents. Mom had cancer and renal failure, Dad was facing another open heart surgery. I knew they needed help and DH and I made the choice. let me tell you that's hard to do after 35 years of working, having a career..We added on and built an 1800 sq ft addition. We sold our house and bought a large camper during the construction. I will never regret it. I was able to be with my Mom until her last minute. I can support my Dad to keep going and will be there for him too.
Pendleton, Indiana, USA
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I keep cows, chickens and geese.
"Live Life Gracefully".



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