Recent content by Celticdragonfly

  1. Celticdragonfly

    Looking into St Cloud MN

    St Cloud, Minnesota, not in Montana. Montana is MT.
  2. Celticdragonfly

    Looking into St Cloud MN

    Hi! I'm looking at a possible house to move to in St Cloud, MN. The house doesn't have appropriate fencing for me to look into chickens right away, but I'd like to have them again someday - can anyone tell me if it's legal there?
  3. Celticdragonfly


    Brinsea EcoGlow Brooder, 12x8. And Thursday night it went down to 60. Going to be in the 50s the next handful of days. I figured if they were shivering in the morning, that wasn't good.
  4. Celticdragonfly


    UPDATE - they were shivering the next morning, even with the moving blanket over the brooder box. Okay, so it's not keeping enough warmth for them overnight. SO we had to unhook everything and bring them back inside, and we'll just try taking them out to the run each day and bringing them...
  5. Celticdragonfly

    Saginaw TX doubling allowable numbers of hens!

    I did want to update that the City Council finally got the actual ordinance officially online in June, and I finally remembered to update the article I have on it:
  6. Celticdragonfly


    Our baby flock is now 3 weeks old - and I gotta tell you that brooder box is getting outgrown QUICK with six in there. They're not totally feathered out, though. So - today we moved them to the run extension, Cera can see them and is fascinated but can't get to them. (She *has* gotten some...
  7. Celticdragonfly

    Weak yolks?

    The birds in question were about a year old. They eat a commercial chicken feed.
  8. Celticdragonfly

    Totally inexperienced, but totally in love!

    Welcome to BYC! You're in a great place to learn. The Learning Center articles here taught me so much!
  9. Celticdragonfly

    Newly Obsessed

    Welcome to BYC! Good luck with getting the ordinances in your favor. I think borrowing hens to be grandfathered in is brilliant.
  10. Celticdragonfly

    Christy from sunny SWFL 🌞

    Welcome to BYC! What an interesting flock combination. I hear silkies are fluffy and adorable.
  11. Celticdragonfly

    Thanks for letting me in!

    Welcome to BYC! This is a great place for learning more about coops.
  12. Celticdragonfly


    Welcome! So glad your city passed the ordinance, I was really excited when ours did. Have fun with your chicks.
  13. Celticdragonfly

    Weak yolks?

    I've noticed that the eggs I get from my own chickens seem to have a much higher percentage of yolks breaking the moment I break the egg to cook with it, than I ever got with eggs from the store. And sometimes when they do break, it's not like a yolk with yellow leaking out, it's just SMOOSH...
  14. Celticdragonfly


    HEY Y'ALL, we're home and have gotten enough sleep that now I can post this - the video of the chick unboxing and surprise! The LOOK on her face when we handed her the extra two!
  15. Celticdragonfly

    Anybody have Ideal 236 Leghorn hybrids?

    He was a bantam cochin cockerel. A very sweet boy. We suspected boy for a while, then he started crowing. We are not allowed roosters here. Found him a home with a family east of Dallas that was raising goats and chickens, mostly bantams. His first act on arriving was to pop out into the face...
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