Recent content by cdmadaio

  1. cdmadaio

    HELP!!!! my chick hatched too early and there’s a hole

    Hi guys, this egg had a hole in it and so I put it in the incubator. It started to pip but no progress was made for about 15 hours so i picked a little bit at the shell and the chick was fine. The egg was doing fine today and the chick was normal but in his efforts to hatch he fell to the bottom...
  2. cdmadaio

    Egg Cracked

    Hi guys, So it’s day 20/21 of incubation and this little part of my egg cracked. It’s in the air sac section of the egg and I’m not sure what to do... should I leave it? put tape over it? Anyone have any advice? It’s currently back under the hen.. should I put it in an incubator? Attached are...
  3. cdmadaio

    URGENT!!!! Worms in poo???!!!!

    I wasn’t able to get any close up photos of the worms but I have some of them cleaned if you would like those, you can see the full body
  4. cdmadaio

    URGENT!!!! Worms in poo???!!!!

    I’ve checked my birds and none of them have flystrike. Is there any other cause of possibility?
  5. cdmadaio

    URGENT!!!! Worms in poo???!!!!

    Yes I can try tomorrow morning
  6. cdmadaio

    URGENT!!!! Worms in poo???!!!!

    As an honest question, do you think that maggots could survive in an alive chicken? That would be so terrible. If so, do you know of any possible cure for this?
  7. cdmadaio

    URGENT!!!! Worms in poo???!!!!

    I don’t see that any of them have flystrike. They do look a lot white maggots but all of my chickens dust bath regularly and have mostly solid poo. After inspection I don’t see any signs of fly strike. Are there any other causes???
  8. cdmadaio

    URGENT!!!! Worms in poo???!!!!

    I went to collect eggs today and there was some stool next to the egg so I brushed it aside with a stick but crawling inside, and under the poo were these white worms. I checked back later and saw that another chicken, or the same chicken, but a fresh piece of stool had the same thing. It seems...
  9. cdmadaio

    Is this normal???....

    I am hatching Silkie and serama chicks. It’s day 22 and still no chicks. One tried to pip but I think it died. It’s almost 23 and in the other eggs, I see no movement. Is this normal?
  10. cdmadaio

    Unknown death. Please help

    Coop is about.... 10-12 feet high
  11. cdmadaio

    Unknown death. Please help

    Thank you so much
  12. cdmadaio

    Unknown death. Please help

    We don't know, but we're sending one of them in for an autopsy.
  13. cdmadaio

    Unknown death. Please help

    Is that very common for that to happen, she couldn't have used her wings? So far we've been pretty lucky in terms of birds of prey, and one has died by being decapitated, but this unsettled me because she had nothing to show for it
  14. cdmadaio

    Unknown death. Please help

    The other two had nothing on them, they died inside the henhouse with no signs of trauma or anything. One of them died about a week ago, so we're sending her in for an autopsy.
  15. cdmadaio

    Unknown death. Please help

    so far, 3 chickens have died unknown deaths, 2 in the coop, but this one, this one is very peculiar. Today,my dad said that a chicken died, he said he went running out to the coop, when he saw a bird fly up. The chickens ere traumatized, and my little black one, tiny, died. Outside the coop...
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