Recent content by catchthewind

  1. catchthewind

    Pasty butt when under a hen?

    Thanks sunflour, I had thought it was unusual too! I hope you're right and she's just a runt. Her feathers don't seem to be growing in as quickly as the others either. I could be completely wrong about it being pasty butt, as I've never experienced it before since we let our hens raise all our...
  2. catchthewind

    Pasty butt when under a hen?

    One of our hens surprised us with 14 chicks a couple of weeks ago. They are now over 2 weeks old and most of them are doing great. We are keeping them with their mama inside the coop in a large dog kennel, with water and chick starter. The kennel bottom has sand in it. This is how we've always...
  3. catchthewind

    Sick duckling

    Hi there, About 4 days ago my Muscovy hatched out 6 baby ducks, 3 Khaki Campbells and 3 Cayuga crosses. She was not nesting in our coop, so we made sure to put feed (unmedicated duckling feed with niacin) and water nearby. She ignored it and so did they, and she took them out walking around...
  4. catchthewind

    Do ducklings need heat?

    Thank you both! And Amiga I will go and look those up right away. :) I came up with an idea for a brooder where I can have a light on it a little easier than what I've been doing, so I'm working on that as we speak. I was thinking of using sand at the bottom (which is what I did for chickens)...
  5. catchthewind

    Do ducklings need heat?

    I have five ducklings that would now be four days old, I think. They're way sturdier, bigger, and independent than four-day-old chickens so I am wondering if the person I bought them from misled me about their age. One thing I have noticed is they don't seem to need heat. I had them with a...
  6. catchthewind

    Ducks under a broody hen?

    So far one of my broodies has four babies, and I think I can hear a fifth tapping away inside. A sixth I picked up briefly and felt something shift, so there's a chick in there, but no tapping. So don't know if the hen will hold out long enough for that one. (If not, I'll try sticking it under...
  7. catchthewind

    Ducks under a broody hen?

    Oh SonnyGirl, I didn't even think about that! I thought the peeping would be a good thing, but it does make sense that it would sound different. So I don't know. They were all fine though. They're happy as clams inside and my girls are thrilled to have house ducks. My husband, not so much, but...
  8. First swim

    First swim

  9. Day old Muscovy ducks

    Day old Muscovy ducks

  10. catchthewind

    Ducks under a broody hen?

    Didn't work. :( I went out to check on them and the ducklings were in one corner shivering and she was in the opposite one. So they are inside now and I put the eggs she was sitting on back under her. The eggs are starting to make noise already (I hadn't noticed when I first moved them), so I...
  11. catchthewind

    Muscovy duckling questions

    If someone has a minute to answer a few questions, I would be so grateful. I will post some pictures tomorrow. feel free to post links to past threads. I tried to search but am on an iPad and it wasn't working that well for me. I realize this is long, so I bolded my actual questions. We just...
  12. catchthewind

    fun, quirky, and cute names.

    We just got some baby ducks today. They were supposed to go under a broody hen but she wouldn't take to them so they are being raised in the house now. (My poor husband!) My four year old named them. There is a yellow one who is her favourite and she named her/him Ming-Ming. The other four don't...
  13. catchthewind

    Ducks under a broody hen?

    Will they imprint to people and a hen at the same time though? I am nervous. They are under the hen now but she was pecking quite a bit at them. As long a they are under her she seemed okay, but occasionally if one came out she would peck quite aggressively at it. At one point she jumped up off...
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