Recent content by catch22

  1. C

    LF: Show Quality Call Duck Eggs and Muscovy

    I did not get any but I will do that
  2. C

    What do I do?!?

    Do you usually start getting sticky chicks when you do that? I cranked it up a while ago, as this was my thought as well. Went down there to check and I had three eggs where there were bubbles around nostrils or it looked like there was just too much fluid going on in the egg. I may have made...
  3. C

    Comment by 'catch22' in article 'Assisting Call Duck Hatches'

    Yeah it looked internally pipped. Come to find out it wasn't. Thank you! I will do that right away
  4. C

    Comment by 'catch22' in article 'Assisting Call Duck Hatches'

    So what is some advice should I poke an air cell too soon? Do I cover it back up or leave it and keep humidity high?
  5. C

    Comment by 'catch22' in article 'Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry'

    Y Yes. At hatch day. I'm thinking I might have put safety holes in a couple of them too soon. Should I seal over it with wax or leave it? They had shadows on the edges of the egg and I put a hole in. Turns out they were not internally pipped. What should I do? Can I put a damp paper towel over...
  6. C

    What do I do?!?

    I am also afraid that I may have safety holed too soon on a couple of the eggs, they looked as if they might have pipped so I put a hole and then I opened a bit further after that and no actual internal pip. Do I seal back up with wax or leave?
  7. C

    What do I do?!?

    Will candling them all twice a day result in sticky chicks? I have one little guy who has a big enough hole in his egg that I can see his beak. He has a gummy membrane stuck to him. Is this due to opening and candling? Any ideas on how to keep this from happening to the others?
  8. C

    What do I do?!?

    Hello Pyxis, hopefully you don't mind my butting in here. I too am hatching a batch of call babes. I'm super nervous about them as my bator went off for about 24+ hrs. I adjusted my date for them and pushed them back (still have viable moving chicks) and it is lockdown period. I have one that...
  9. C

    Comment by 'catch22' in article 'Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry'

    Okay but you will give the lil hole no matter if pipped internally or not? I'm really worried cause they are not all looking like they are within a few days of hatch. Some of them still have a lot of membrane. The incubator was shut off for almost 24+ hrs. I still have a lot of live eggs (I can...
  10. C

    Comment by 'catch22' in article 'Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry'

    When you put in air holes for call ducks, do you do an extremely small hole, no matter if the duckling has popped yet or not? Super nervous with mine atm. Have some pekins hatching right now and get the gist of what I should of shouldn't be doing with them. Up next however is about 40 shipped...
  11. C

    Call Duck Hatch Help - Incubator Unplugged

    Great! Everything is developing nicely. Had 2 some in cracked and had to put a little wax on them. One is still kicking the other quit on me. There were about 7 I dont think were fertile to begin with so down to 40 out of 56.
  12. C

    I forgot how to tell if an egg is fertile or not by candling it before putting it in the incubator?

    Next time, if not bad cracks (like yolk exposed) pop some wax on the cracks to seal in moisture and then place in bator. That is what I did with some call eggs and they are developing nicely.
  13. C

    LF: Show Quality Call Duck Eggs and Muscovy

    Looking for some show quality call duck eggs. Would probably need shipped priority mail. Ideal colors would be Pastel, Snowy, Grey, and Whites. Maybe some Black East Indies. Could also do Muscovies if they are any color other than black. Would really like some Lavender, Whites, and Chocolate...
  14. C

    Duck Egg Incubation HELP: (Humidity / Cool downs / Bator Space) - Calls, Muscovy, Pekin

    Hmmm I have it in upper 40s at the moment for both sets, and read somewhere on here to have the Call Duck eggs at 100 degrees. I cannot seem to get it to lower for the 35% to 40% range. Do you know of any materials that offer where air cells should be? My Pekin and Muscovies are on day 11 and...
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