Recent content by caspernc

  1. caspernc

    Feed with animal protien

    Thanks! Totally forgot about game bird, Kent even went vegetarian on their game bird food also. What! I'll look at others.
  2. caspernc

    Feed with animal protien

    Now that Kent (Blue Seal) has gone to a vegetarian diet, What feeds are out there that have animal protein?
  3. caspernc

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Take a large cream cheese container or cottage cheese container and put over her head to collect any unwanted eggs.
  4. caspernc

    Hummingbird got feet stuck today!

    Humming birds are supposed to migrate DON"T feed them unless you live where it doesn't freeze! They need to get to the coast or the south.
  5. caspernc

    Fall, surgery, 3 months in rehab facility

    All I can say is WOW. I'm praying hard for you. I'm praying that your needs will be met and you will get the help you really need. His loving arms are around you and I hope you feel Him with you now. I hope you beleive. At a time like this it has to be a trial.
  6. caspernc

    vagabond Polish

    I want pictures too. Very good story, funny funny. But then again its about a chicken.
  7. caspernc

    I am so done with Christmas...

    Ya'll don't have the reason for the season! We do a "chapstick Christmas." I get everyone a ribeye steak. And if all you can afford is chapstick that is what you give and it is great! We have comunication and God in our season and if speaking of our Savour in this thead gets it blocked , sorry...
  8. caspernc

    We are getting our first chickens

    At three years old you may not get too many eggs. But chickens are a hoot for a pet. RIR are pretty much done laying by three.
  9. caspernc

    What are you canning now?

    My stove has a warming oven on the bottom, that I have never used, instead of a drawer. Plop that canner on the big burner and all you need is three inches of water.
  10. caspernc

    What are you canning now?

    I always forget the quote but I found if I heat it up while I'm cooking or prepairing what I'm going to can it will be right at the right temp quickly. I tried to pressure can apple sause but I like it better in the water bath.
  11. caspernc

    What are you canning now?

    I have almost the same stove and the very same All American! YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!!!! It will take a couple of times to get the confidense but you will do fine! It holds the heat so well and when you turn off the gas it will cool right down. Mine didn't open well the first couple of times but...
  12. caspernc

    You might be a redneck if ...

    Ya'll were left with too much time on your hands!
  13. caspernc

    You might be a redneck if ...

    Ya'll were left with too much time to yourselves!
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