Recent content by Carobean

  1. Carobean

    Examples of rooster-friendly ordinances

    Thanks for sending! I like that. Especially the "screeching" part : ) It's interesting that when it gets specific about noise, it's talking about pets, not more typically agricultural animals. My county is in transition from rural to more populated so there are growing pains-- people whose...
  2. Carobean

    Examples of rooster-friendly ordinances

    Does anyone live in a locality with a rooster-friendly ordinance that's working well? I'd love to see some examples. We helped legalize BY chickens in our county a number of years ago, but later things got more restrictive for roosters and "agriculture" in general. I thought the rule was you...
  3. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    I buy it through New Country Organics in Waynesboro VA (don't know where you live, Lucy-- if you're even in the U.S.!). If you go to their website, you can find resellers in different areas.
  4. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    Cool! Are you having any issues with your chicks eating it? We're building a new henhouse, and I'm going to try it again when we make the transition...
  5. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    That's good to know!
  6. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    Ooooh-- I'd read about some turkeys having a taste for it! The dust-free part sounds good for baby chicks, but I'd be a little worried about them eating it too! I guess you'd just have to watch them… eh?
  7. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    RVAFanfarmer, I just saw your post--I'm glad you know you're having good success with the hemp bedding in a similar climate to mine (I'm in Hampton Roads, VA)! I got it through New Country Organics (via a local distributor) also. I think my issue with it was just from my storing a half-bag in a...
  8. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    I'll have to go look for Moomin books! A childhood friend introduced me to them…then, visiting a Finnish friend in Germany, she had a set of Moomin dishes that I envied... Yeah, I guess the misting would be more for deep litter. I only have a small flock, so I just scoop out the coop daily...
  9. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    Aha! Thanks for the update. That's encouraging-- the composting factor is definitely another plus for us. You make an interesting point about sustainability and needing to fertilize the hemp-- that's probably the case here too. I finally paid attention to the fact that you're in Finland! How...
  10. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    Thanks again for your input! I'd never had a problem with the pine shavings, but like the sustainability factor of the hemp...
  11. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    That's good to hear-- mine was a half-used bag, and it was in our shed, which may have had a dampness issue. I've just heard scary things about hay not being a good idea for bedding because it molds, but this does seem different. I didn't get the smell in the other half of the bag that was used...
  12. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    Thanks for the reply! I went to use the second half of a opened bag I had to refresh the bedding, and when I put it down it smelled a little off-- slightly mildewy, so it made me nervous…I've had pine shavings sit around in a bag without that problem, so I'm wondering if it's prone to that…dag.
  13. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    I live in Virginia, and New Country Organics carries it here!
  14. Carobean

    Hemp bedding

    Any updates, now that summer is in full swing? Just started using American Hemp bedding...
  15. Carobean

    New Octagon Coop Construction Underway - Progress

    Are there any photos of the interior of this octagonal coop? We're building one, and would love to hear how you did the inside, and if you'd change anything now that you've had it for a while! (Roosts as well as ventilation) Thanks
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