Recent content by careeka22

  1. careeka22

    EE roo? Need confirmation.

    Phew I hope so! My little roo just found the best home too so good ending!
  2. careeka22

    EE roo? Need confirmation.

    Bummer. Thanks for confirming. Now I'm questioning one I sold as a pullet. Had a raised comb but no red
  3. careeka22

    EE roo? Need confirmation.

    I bred him/her. Lavender Orpington rooster over an EE hen. The red just became more prominent. 8 weeks today. But no wattles and I read that cockerels have 3 rows of peas but this is one. Definitely will be bummed. Thanks for the help!
  4. careeka22

    Incubator temp reached 103.5...HELP PLEASE!

    Yep they will be ok! I had my homemade spike to 108 for a few hours around day 14 and still had 100% hatch.
  5. careeka22

    Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

    Awesome thanks! I think I'll do that next time.
  6. careeka22

    Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

    Awesome! I was thinking of doing guineas next I need some at my barn for tick control. Did you manually turn?
  7. careeka22

    Chick Stopped During Zip! Help!

    Did that one last chick hatch? I had two like that on my last hatch that pipped in the middle like that and I had to assist. They made it just fine.
  8. careeka22

    Day 24 eggtopsy (graphic images) ADVICE PLEASE 💔

    Were they moving on day 18 before you locked down? Based on yolk size they died somewhere after that. One was at the wrong end. I'm really sorry but sucks to get that far but in my experience inconsistent temps and humidity cause this.
  9. careeka22

    Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

    Congrats! They usually figure out the flipping. Sometimes the naval is a little open. Just leave it in the incubator longer and make sure it's not catching on anything and bleeding.
  10. careeka22

    DIY Incubator Adventure

    I use a 25w round bulb but I already had some at my house.
  11. careeka22

    Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

    I agree pencil is probably safest but I used pen on this last batch and they all hatched so maybe not much of a risk.
  12. careeka22

    Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

    Yes it was for a few days. I'm in VA and as usual insane weather. It was 85 over the weekend and now 50's. If I let run almost dry it drops fast but even a few drops takes it back to the 50s. I prefer to stay in the 40s. I'll have to be careful this go around.
  13. careeka22

    Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

    Thank you! I'll drain it and let it dry I was careful not to flip it, I just used a damp towel with a little bleach and just wiped the sides.
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