
Hello! I am an independent author of Fantasy (the Legend of Oescienne series, the Otherworld series, and the Draghans of Firiehn series), as well as a part-time instructional aide.

I live on the Central Coast of California and had chickens, ducks, and turkeys as backyard pets all throughout my childhood.

About seven years ago I decided I missed having chickens, so my dad helped me build a coop and run for Christmas and I got my first batch of laying hens (and some roos) the following spring.

Besides writing and being a Bickie Momma, I love camping (especially in Yosemite), visit Ireland when I can (I studied Celtic lore and culture in college), and practice the sport of German Longsword. I’m also very interested in someday developing a new chicken breed.
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Real Name
Jenna Elizabeth Johnson
Why do you want to join our community?
I am a backyard chicken enthusiast and have found many answers to my questions on your forums and decided I should join the group. I'd also like to be able to contribute from time to time with my experience with chickens.
Independent Author


All I want to do is write books, practice German longsword, and be a stay-at-home chicken mom.
Follow me on Instagram @authorjejohnson to see pictures of my flock!


  1. 10

    Anniversary: 4 Year

    4 years older and wiser too? Congrats on 4 years with us!
  2. 10

    Anniversary: 3 Year

    WOOT! Happy 3 year anniversary!
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    Anniversary: 2 Year

    Time flies when you're having fun! Happy 2 year anniversary!
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    WOW, people are LOVING what you're doing... keep it up!
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    Messages: 500

    You've posted 500 messages!
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    Anniversary: 1 Year

    Wow, it's been a year already!?! CONGRATS!!
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    Messages: 250

    250 posts and you're on your way to 500!
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    Messages: 100

    You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
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    Anniversary: 1 Month

    You have been a member of BYC for one month, we hope you've been enjoying it here!
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    We're so glad you like your member's stuff! Keep it up!
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    Messages: 50

    50 messages posted. You must like it here!
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    Obviously you're pretty likable!!
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    10 messages posted. You're getting use to things around here!
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    Somebody out there reacted to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
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    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.
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    Started 1st Thread

    You created a thread in our community, good job!
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